A public assembly organized by Radical Party and Antimilitarist Radical Association (ARA) will be held on Thursday, March 21 in Tarusa (Kaluga region) with participation of Nikolaj KHRAMOV, secretary of ARA; Tatjjana FEDJAEVA, member of Tarusa Town Duma and member of Radical Party; Aleksandr SHABLINSKIJ, mayor of Tarusa.
The assembly will take place in Sport & Technical Club "Cosmos" (ul. Mariny Cvetaevoj, 1) at 6.00 PM.
In the agenda of the assembly:
- conscientious objection according the Article 59 part 3 of Russian Federation Constitution;
- preparation to the all-Russian referendum on the draft law on alternative civilian service and on the reducing the military service terms;
- membership campaign for 1996 to Radical Party and ARA as a necessary condition for a succesfull organizing referendum and other antimilitarist initiatives of ARA and RP;
- other campaigns and initiatives.
Entrance free.
For more information call:
in Tarusa (08435) 21574, 25134 (Tatjjana Fedjaeva)
in Moscow (095) 9239127