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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Conferenza Partito radicale
Partito Radicale Centro Radicale - 14 marzo 1996
March 10, 1996: swiss press review


(Status as per March 13, 1996)

Summarized by Lobsang GANGSHONTSANG

I) Actions taken

a) Distribution of the "Press release" Middle of February 1996

No of copies Recipients

- 2 Swiss TV

- 1 Télé Journal (French speaking part)

- 1 Tele Züri (Private TV)

- 4 Radios (Broadcasts) in Switzerland

- 45 Newspapers

- 7 Press documents sent by TUL (Liechtenstein)

- 3 Press documents distributed by Task Albertini (Italian speaking part)

- 8 Press documents distributed to French speaking part

- 84 "Pressecommuniqué" distributed

b) Invitathon of the Press for a "Presse conference" in front of the "China Garden" in Zurich

- 60 invitations and complete documents distributed

c) Faxes sent to the MEDIA with a short summary of March 10, 1996 (on March 11/12/13 1996)

Reports sent to 22 news papers

II) Results / Reactions by MEDIA

a) Before the March 10, 1996

Media Name Contents of the contribution

1. TV 9.3 Swiss TV Press Conference in front of

the CHINA GARDEN in Zurich

2 TV 9.3. Tele Züri Press conference in front of

(4 minutes) the CHINA GARDEN in Zurich;

daily life of a tibetan family

in Switzerland

3. Radio 7.3 Radio Suisse Panchen Lama; Situation in Tibet,

Romande March 10, 1996;

(10 minutes)

4. Radio Radio 24 Press conference in Zurich;

March 10, 1996

5. News paper Zürichsee- 2 articles;International

Zeitung Tibet Campaign;

(l/2 page)

6. Flag Campaign (Picture of a 3.


7. News paper Obersee Article about Tibet


8. News paper Toggenburger Article about the campaign;

Nachrichten interview with a tibetan monk

9. News paper Zürcher Short advice

Oberländer Flag Campaign

10. News paper Tösstaler Article about the campaign


11. Journal de Article about the campaign


12. Tribune de Article about the campaign


b) On March 10, 1996 (Evening/night)

1. TV Tele Züri News about demonstration;

(4 minutes) second part of daily life

of a tibetan; panchen lama

2. TV Tagesschau News about the demonstration

(1 minute)

3. TV Télé Journal News about the demonstration

4. TV Euro News News about the demonstration

5. TV NTV News about the demonstration

6. TV ITN News about the demonstration

7. TV French 3 News about the demonstration

8. Newspaper Tages- Press conference in Zurich;

Anzeiger demonstration in Brussels

March 11

9. Newspaper NZZ Demonstration in Brussels

March 11

10. Newspaper Corriere del Demonstration in Brussels


March 11

11. Newspaper La Regionale Demonstration in Brussels

March 11

12. Newspaper Le Monde Demonstratio in Brussels

March 11

c) In preparation

1. Radio Italian Interview

speaking part

2. News paper St' Galler Tibetan Family life



Overally, the reaction in Switzerland can be summarized as follows:

a) TV feedback: positive

b) Radio: rather disappointing

c) News papers broken down into:

- big news papers: disappointing

- regional news papers: positive

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