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Notizie Radicali, il giornale telematico di Radicali Italiani
cerca [dal 1999]

i testi dal 1955 al 1998

dom 23 feb. 2025
[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Conferenza Partito radicale
Partito Radicale Radical Associa - 24 marzo 1996

(Tarusa, Kaluga region, March 21, 1996) - Public assembly in Tarusa with participation of Nikolaj Khramov, secretary of Anti-militarist Radical Association (ARA), Tatjjana Fedjaeva, member of City Duma (council) enrolled to Radical Party, and Iljja Zanegin, a conscientious objector and Radical activist, has drawn a lot of attention from side of official military authorities. Among about 50 participants of the meeting there were presented: military commissioner of Tarusa district, deputy military commissioner of Kaluga region, commander of local military garrison, director of local school with enlarged course of "military patriotic training", director of "Znamja" - the main regional newspaper, as well as about 10 young members of local "military patriotic club" and wives of military officers from Tarusa garrison.

Just after Nikolaj Khramov's intervention about goals and activities of Anti-militarist Radical Association, as well as about the concrete possibilities for every citizen to refuse military service on reasons of conscience, the "military patriotic" part of auditorium begun to accuse Radicals in "betraying Fatherland" and preparation to assisting "military occupation of Russia by NATO forces". They were opposed by other participants of the assembly, including Evgenij Stojko - a young conscientious objector, who is the only one refusing military service among 60 young citizens of Tarusa to be drafted this year.

During the assembly 5 persons adhered ARA for 1996. Three among them also declared that they will join Radical Party during next weeks, as soon as their economical situation will permit it.

Tarusa has 10,000 inhabitants. The city is a district center of Kaluga region in 76 km from Kaluga and about 120 km from Moscow.

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