For the past forty years, His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, has led the efforts of the Tibetan people to regain their independence, reminding all the peoples of the world of the responsibility of brotherhood and sisterhood, reminding the world that liberty is not for a few, but is the aspiration of all human beings to celebrate their culture, practice and religion, and raise their children in safety. He speaks on behalf of the oppressed everywhere, in a world filled with violence and suffering, and teaches that it is everyone's duty to attempt to stop it.
The Dalai Lama's elder brother, Professor Norbu, is presently leading a forty-five day "March for Tibet's Independence" from Washington, D.C. to the United Nations in New York City. This march will include speaking engagements at colleges and churches along the way, leading discussions on China and Tibet.
The march participants will hold a rally at the Liberty Bell on Independence Mall in Philadelphia at 12 noon on Saturday, March 30, 1996 - a significant location which recalls the founders of this country who themselves called for liberty, justice, and freedom for all.
THEREFORE, I, Edward G. Rendell, Mayor of the City of Philadelphia, do hereby proclaim Saturday, March 30, 1996, as
in Philadelphia and do urge all Philadelphians to join the members of the "March for Tibet's Independence" and honor their efforts for freedom and independence.
Edward G. Rendell
Given under my hand and the Seal of the City of Philadelphia, this thirtieth day of March, one thousand, nine hundred and ninety-six.