Boris Borisovich Kozhin-----------------------------------------------------------------
Supreme Rada of Ukraina
Grushevskiy 5
Kyiv 252019
tel. +380-44-2932901 To Mr. Olivier Dupuis,
the Secretary of
04/11/96 # D-203/62-1 Radical Party
Honorable Mr. Secretary,
I am glad to bring you my best regards and wish you success of Radical party and it's activists.
For a long time and with an interest I observe activity of Radical party. Among your last initiatives, one concerning establishment of International Permanent Tribunal has turned my attention. Adhering to this initiative, I would like to note, that criminal activity of CPU-CPSU-ACP(b)* should become an important object of the Tribunal's activity. Recently, a group of democratic organizations of Ukraina has launched collecting signatures for carrying out INTERNATIONAL TRIAL on communist party for crimes having been committed during the period of totalitarian communist regime.
I consider this action worthy of attention and of support of such a significant and authoritative institution as Radical party. Should it organize a campaign similar to the Tibetan one, it will promote establishment of democracy in Ukraina and Eastern Europe and favour the authority of your Party.
Looking forward for a productive collaboration in this issue,
Yours Sincerely, (signature) B. B. Kozhin
(*) CPU -- Communist party of Ukraina;
CPSU -- Communist party of Soviet Union;
ACP(b) -- All-Russian Communist party of bolsheviks.
To the President of Ukraina
To the Supreme Rada of Ukraina
To the Minister Cabinet of Ukraina
We, citizens of Ukraina,
-- estimating activity of illegally registered Communist party of Ukraina to be antistate and aimed at liquidation of Ukrainian independence,
-- being convinced that CPU* opposes political, social and economic reformation;
-- proceeding from the fact, that CPU* has declared itself as a successor of forbidden in Ukraina CPU* as a part of CPSU*, and thus has become responsible for all crimes of CPU-CPSU-ACP(b)*;
demand to forbid activity of CPU* and ask to initiate an international trial on communist party for crimes having been committed during the period of totalitarian communist regime.
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(*) CPU -- Communist party of Ukraina;
CPSU -- Communist party of Soviet Union;
ACP(b) -- All-Russian Communist party of bolsheviks.