Today, June 5th, 1996, in the occasion of the 7 years anniversary of the massacre on Tien-an-Men Square, there was held the demonstration against violations of human rights in China and Tibet in front of the Chinese Embassy in Prague. About 300 people participated in this action, which was organized by Amnesty International and HOST (Movement for Civic Solidarity and Tolerance). The representatives of the Chinese Embassy neglected numerous attempts of the organizers to submit to the Chinese the opened letter, which included the list of names of the political prisoners in China.
Radicals present in this demonstration briefly informed the participants about the campagne of the Transnational Radical Party for freedom of Tibet and democracy in China, and invited them to support the "postcard campagne" for the release of the true Panchenlama.
Massmedias followed the demonstration, the Czech state television broadcasted the report from this event in the main news programme this evening.