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sab 01 mar. 2025
[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Conferenza Partito radicale
Partito Radicale Aleksander - 7 giugno 1996

In the list of signatures under this appeal is a mistake. In fact, 8 MPs from Ukraina signed appeal to Boutros-Ghali, but in the list noted only 7. For me is impossible to understand who is out of the list, because I've informed about all Ukrainian adhesions (I have examined this).

So, could you check this information and eliminate the error, please.

* Ukrainian Parliament (8):

1. Rostyslav CHAPIUK (SelPU -- Agrarian's Party of Ukraina);

2. Yaroslav ILIASEVYCH (UNSO -- "Ukrainian National Self-Defence" party)

3. Myroslav GORBATIUK (Ukrainian People's Rukh)

4. Jurij KARMAZIN (Reformy)

5. Ivan KIRIMOV (Derzhavnist)

6. Eugen LUPAKOV (indipendent)

7. Petro OSADCHUK (Democratic Party)

8. Eugen PRONIUK (URP -- Ukrainian Republican Party)

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