Anti-militarist Radical Association BulletinNo 1 - June 1996
To Moscow, to Moscow!
The First Congress
of Anti-militarist Radical Association
June 29-30, 1996
"Molodiozhny" hotel place
(Dmitrovskoye shose 27)
We assemble to make decisions on:
- our activity in view of the prospect of professional army in year 2000;
- organization of All-Russian referendum on laws for military reform;
- informing young Russian citizens of their constitutional right to reject military service by conviction;
- elaborating a political project of the Association.
Olivier Dupuis, MEP, Secretary of Transnational Radical party, will participate the Congress.
Our door is open for you: we welcome anybody who is ready to participate nonviolent civic struggle for Justice and Freedom, against war and militarism!
To make the Congress self-financing possible, a registration fee of 5 000 roubles is recommended.
Contact phone for information: (095) 923-9127
Dear friends, our old and new brothers and sisters-in-arms! We assemble at our Congress to discuss strategy and tactics of struggle against war and militarism, to plan particular campaigns and initiatives aimed at military reform support: abolition of conscription and establishing professional army (in view of recent President's decree), decreasing army expenses and numerical strength, establishing an effective civil control over army.
One of the most important issues of the Congress is planning of initiatives aimed at immediate adoption of democratic and non-discriminating law on alternative civilian service: this right is guaranteed to all citizens of Russia by Art. 59-3 of the Constitution of Russian Federation. Such a law will still be vital during next four years in spite of planned establishment of professional army before the next millennium beginning.
There can be no hope for State Duma: during last year we could always see which part do communist MPs and MPs of Zhirinovskiy take. Their ideal is "an alternative service" in construction battalions, where those who were "lucky" to prove their religious convictions (with a pile of certificates from several churches) will be "imprisoned" for 4 years.
Therefore, we, citizens of Russia, should take initiative in our own hands and adopt necessary laws at the referendum. This means that at our Congress we should decide: what, how, with whom, and when should we do to prepare grounds for successful collecting of two million signatures of Russian citizens for referendum on "military" laws. We should make amendments in our Statute to create a net of small A.R.A. groups all over Russia -- effective groups capable to organize initiatives, such as collecting signatures for referendum, and to provide the Association with new members.
We plan our Congress to be not only a Statute action of A.R.A., but also the first in its way vast forum for anti-militarists and democrats. Besides activists, members and adherents of the Association itself (including Valeriy Borschiov and Yuliy Rybakov -- State Duma deputies, members of Provisional coordination council of A.R.A.), our friends from Soldiers' Mothers Committee of Russia and other democratic organizations and deputies of State Duma will participate the Congress -- all with whom we have already carried out joint actions successfully. To participate the Congress, Olivier Dupuis (MEP, Secretary of Radical party) will come to Moscow.
Also it is very important, that anti-militarist forum, that will most probably take place on the eve of the decisive fight at the second round of President election, should become an additional public factor in the struggle for preventing totalitarian forces from taking power again, forces not only being responsible for most of wars on our planet in XX century, but also having shown themselves in Duma as unbridled adherents of militarism and martinets. However, none of our plans and scheduled initiatives will come true without new members of A.R.A. and Radical party, without their efforts, enthusiasm and willingness to act. And also without their contributions, because the only source of financing of our activity are membership fees and contributions of men and women, of all citizens who decide that goals of the Association are their goals.
Most probably, last week-end of June, when our Congress will take place, will be hot and lovely days. Sitting in a hall, even with air-conditioners, may appear not so attractive like spending this time in the country. Moreover, unfortunately, we can not afford paying tickets to Moscow and accommodation for nonresident participants of the Congress. Nevertheless, I sincerely hope this fact would not prevent you from taking the most active part in the work of the First Congress of A.R.A. in order to defend Justice and Freedom and oppose war and militarism together. Wish you successful work and see you at the Congress in Moscow!
Nikolay Khramov
Secretary of A.R.A.
Beginning of participants' registering.
11.00 - 14.00
Adoption of the agenda, regulations and presidium staff. Reports of the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Revisionary Committee. Speech of Olivier Dupuis (MEP, Secretary of Radical party). Speeches and greetings of honourable guests.
15.00 - 19.00
Reports: "War in Chechnia: the role of radicals at the vast anti-war front"; "Alternative civilian service: what is the Law, what are the initiatives?"; "Objectors of military service and their struggle for their rights"; "Professional army in the context of the decree of President Yeltsin: possible initiatives of A.R.A"; "Hypothesis of referendum on laws on military service: political project of A.R.A. for the next year?". Beginning of debates.
10.00 - 13.00
Debates. Speeches and greetings of honourable guests.
14.00 - 19.00
Discussion and adoption of the General Resolution and, possibly, special Resolutions. Possible adoption of Statute amendments. Election to leading posts: Secretary, Treasurer, Chairman, Revisionary Committee, General Council. Closing the Congress.
To atention of nonresidents:
single room 230 000 RUR
double room, 1st class 115 000 RUR for person
double room 95 000 RUR for person
double room in a block 55 000 RUR for person
triple room in a block 40 000 RUR for person
To reserve a room for the Congress time, call the hotel administration: (095) 977-3155, 977-3283. Please make your reservation beforehand. In case of any misunderstandings or problems call A.R.A. headquarters: (095) 923-9127.
(Dmitrovskoye shose 27):
Metro station "Petrovskaya-Razumovskaya" (Serpukhovsko-Timiriazevskaya metro branch), than busses 82, 87, 106, 692 or trolleybuses 47, 56, 78 to "Gostinitsa Molodiozhnaya" stop (second one).
Dinner cost at the hotel restaurant is about 30 000 RUR for a Congress participant, about 40 000 RUR for a common customer. There are also bars and sideboards.
With any problems you can call A.R.A. headquarters: (095) 923-9127
Judge Yelena Raskievich have proved: Russia is becoming a democratic state
On May 13 in Noginsk city court, the trial was finished on the case of Vadim Gesse, a 19 years old resident of Zeliony village, Noginsk district, Moscow region, having been accused of "evasion from the current conscription" (Art. 80 of the Criminal Court of Russian Federation).
As you may remember, last October Vadim Gesse, member of Radical party and Antimilitarist Radical Association, has declared at the conscription commission, that he rejects military service by political convictions and demands to provide him with an alternative civilian service as such a right is provided by Russian Constitution, Art. 59-3. In spite of this declaration, military commissar col. Alexandr Iskorostinskiy, as it often goes, gave Vadim a summons of conscription and prescribed to come to an assembly point for dispatch to army forces. Gesse did not come to the assembly point and (the decisive point!) did not appealed actions of the conscription commission in the regional court in 10 days. He supposed that a declaration of rejection is quite enough.
As it would be seen later, he was right. But, before the triumph of justice, he experienced all pretty things of the punitive system. On January 25, he was arrested at his home and placed into Noginsk investigatory cell. Courageous man has spent 40 days in the prison. On march 5, after many protests expressed by Anti-militarist Radical Association, Amnesty International, and other Russian and international public organizations, after a series of articles in Russian and foreign press, Vadim Gesse was set free by decision of the court with a written undertaking not to leave the place.
Secretary of A.R.A. Nikolay Khramov and Chairman of "Movement Against Violence" Sergey Sorokin took the floor as public advocates. During the trial at Noginsk city court, it was proved that military commissar Iskorostinskiy, taking his decision to summon the draftee, has violated everything from the Constitution of the country down to department instructions of Moscow regional military commissariat. Verdict of judge Yelena Raskievich was: "not guilty for no corpus delicti". In her decision, the judge referred to the Constitution of Russian Federation, and also the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and European Charter on Human Rights -- international documents being obligatory for Russia and having a priority before Russian national legislation.
The case of Gesse raised a great resonance in Russia. Virtually all big mass media -- "Echo of Moscow" radio, newspapers "Moskovskiy Komsomolets", "Kuranty", "Vecherniaya Moskva", magazine "Itogy" -- turned their attention to it, stressing a great importance of the Noginsk precedent. Army's "Krasnaya Zvezda" yelled: "An extremely dangerous precedent for armed forces' complement was created." The conclusion of this newspaper is quite simple: we should not use international legal norms on Russian ground. Press service of Zhirinovskiy was engaged too: on May 15, under the title "Don't get gesses into army!" it accused "notorious journalists and a CIS puppet Anti-militarist Association" of provocation and summoned to draft Russians only. The head of Noginsk regional administration Vladimir Laptev (the case of his recent fraudulent election is on trial now in the same Noginsk city court) took the floor at the regional radio station in an hour after the verdict was passed. He accused judge Raskievich of insufficie
nt professionalism, because she "justified fascist Gesse with hooting of Western radio stations and a militarist association", and dramatically stated, that the Motherland is in danger.
Well, one can understand eternally yesterdays people. Indeed, the full power of our native militarism is based exceptionally on the fact, that "conscription quota" is downtrodden, and ignorant, and seeming to have no rights, the fact strengthened by law ignorance (if not worse) of most of our ex-soviet prosecutors, judges and police officers.
The arrest of Vadim Gesse, anti-militarist and radical, is the first known arrest of conscientious objector after adoption of the new Russian Constitution on December 12, 1993 that guarantees a right of conscious rejection. His justification is apparently the first one too. The more significant it is. Judge Raskievich have proved all Russia and all the world: Russia is becoming a democratic state. But virtually the most important result of Gesses case is that young Russian citizens could see themselves that constitutional right of conscious rejection of military service can be and should be defended and belongs to all draftees not only theoretically.
# how to use your right of conscious rejection?
# what is an alternative civilian service?
# do they always tell the truth at a military commission?
# how can you help yourself and your friends?
# what is A.R.A. and Radical party?
Tuesdays and Fridays:
Maly Sukharevskiy per. 6
Beginning: 18.00
Please come on time!
Information: (095) 923-9127
On March 30, with a meeting in Moscow in Old Arbat, Anti-militarist Radical Association has opened a campaign dated for the spring draft to Russian armed forces. The campaign goal: let "each of 200 thousand draftees" to be accepted in the army this spring know that rejection by convictions is not only an inalienable constitutional right of every young Russian, but also a civic duty in view of continued fratricidal war in Chechnia and the government ignoring public protests, because this is the only effective way available for young Russian citizens to express their non-violent protest against war and militarism. Secretary of A.R.A. Nikolay Khramov, member of Coordination council of the Committee of Soldiers' Mothers of Russia Liudmila Obraztsova, and Chairman of "Movement Against Violence" Sergey Sorokin took the floor at the meeting.
This day at the Old Arbat, Anti-militarist radicals have distributed first several thousands of leaflets (of 50 thousand prepared for the beginning of the draft) summoning to reject military service as a protest against the war in Chechnia. Since April 1 -- an official date of beginning of the current spring draft -- A.R.A. will double the number of weekly seminars for objectors.
Public meeting having been organized by A.R.A. and the local Committee of Soldiers' Mothers took place in Lipetsk on the Easter -- on April 13. It was devoted mainly to informing draftees and their parents about the constitutional right to reject military service by convictions. Ilya Zanegin, objector from Moscow and member of A.R.A. administration, and the Chairman of Lipetsk Committee of Soldiers' Mothers Irina Martynova (also a member of A.R.A.) participated the meeting. 20 people became members of A.R.A. during the meeting.
On Saturday, April 20, a small meeting having been organized by A.R.A. and Vladimir Committee of Soldiers' Mothers took place in this ancient city and was devoted to the spring draft. 30 people participated this meeting (including Secretary of A.R.A. Nikolay Khramov and Chairman of Vladimir Committee of Soldiers' Mothers Liudmila Yarilina). A half of them joined A.R.A.
The day after, on Sunday, April 21, Nikolay Khramov came to Yaroslavl', where a big (more than 200 participants) meeting was held in the Palace of Regional Trade Unions' Council. The meeting was organized by Galina Marchenko, the Chairman of Yaroslavl' Council of Soldiers' Parents. Patricia Cockrell, representative of World Quaker Service, and Sergey Sorokin, Chairman of "Movement Against Violence". This time, more than 35 new members and adherents joined A.R.A.
This was a title of a street concert having been organized by A.R.A. on May 19 at Pushkinskaya square in Moscow. Rock groups "Jah Division", "Optimal Variant" and "White Wings" participated the concert. Activists of A.R.A. have distributed more than a thousand of leaflets summoning to reject military service among young rock and reggae lovers.
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Bulletin of Anti-militarist Radical Association of Radical party, monthly.
Executive editor: Nikolay Khramov.
English translation: Andriy Prischenko.
Russia, 103051 Moscow, Trubnaya 25-2-49, Radical party.
tel./FAX (095) 923-2127
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