Newsletter on the campaigns of the Radical Party for the freedom of Tibet.
"I truly believe that individuals can make a difference in society. Since periods of great change such as the present one come so rarely in human history, it is up to each of us to make the best use of our time to help create a happier world"
His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, 1992
#27, June 27, 1996
Editor: Massimo Lensi, Dorottya u. 3.III.em6. - H-1051 Budapest - tel 36-1-2663486 - 2660935 - fax 1187937 - e-mail - WWW-Url: htt// - Telnet:
Distribution: Alberto Novi - rue Belliard 89 - Rem 508, B-1047 Brussels; tel. 32-2-2304121, fax 32-2-2303670.
Published in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Hungarian, Croatian and Rumanian.
The Chinese president Zemin is on an official visit in Spain. Within the year, China will for the first time make convertible the Renminbi, the "money for the people", at present only in the way of commercial exchanges, but in a few months also in the way of financial transactions. The German societies like Siemens, in spite of or perhaps thanks to the serious diplomatic crisis between the two governments, will honor the contracts signed with Peking. These are signals that should favour the entry of China in the World-wide Organization of Commerce and encourage the influx of foreign capitals. A dangerous tendency to forget what China represents in reality with its ferocious dictatorship, the cancellation of all interior dissidence, the illegal occupation of Tibet and its organized destruction. A tendency, the one from the western economic policies, of blind commercial interest against the most elementary demands of respect for the individual rights, that are constantly violated.
However, these last days important parliamentary resolutions for the freedom of Tibet and the democracy in China were brought to light: the German Bundestag approved a resolution on the respect for Human rights in Tibet, the European Parliament approved two resolutions on China (on the case of the Chinese dissident WEI and on the nuclear tests), the Belgian Parliament's Commission for Foreign Affairs approved a resolution text on Tibet which will consequently be submitted to the vote in plenary sitting. To these important documents we have to add the signatures of yet more than 800 parliamentarians for the appeal to the UN General Secretary to receive the Dalai Lama. A campaign, the latter, that needs an immediate stimulus. A political patrimony that has to be quickly developed and equally divided in other institutional situations.
What bothers us the most is not so much the Peking Government's arrogance towards these resolutions, as the international institution's laxity, not even asking the question of Chinese economic development, of "market socialism", in exchange of a democratic evolution inside China.
Keep up the good work!
The European Parliament approved on the 21st of June an urgency resolution on the situation of the Chinese dissident WEI Jingsheng, at present prisoner in the Chinese detention camp of Tangshan. The resolution, represented by Olivier DUPUIS, secretary of the Radical Party and Noel MAMERE, both from the ARE group, Jessica LARIVE, from the liberal group and Carlo RIPA DI MEANA from the green group, has then been received by other parliamentary groups and voted by the assembly with a large majority. For its importance within the framework of the struggle for the "democracy in China", we believe that it can also serve as the basis of similar resolutions in the national parliaments. For reasons of space, we will publish the other approved resolution on nuclear tests in China in the next issue of the "Tibet-China Fax".
* Resolutions on the severe condition of Wei Jingsheng and on the human rights violations in China.
The European Parliament,
- in view of the Commission's communication on a long term policy of relations between China and Europe (COM(95)279),
- in thought of the preceding resolutions on the situation in China,
A. considering that, in the work and detention camps, known as the laogai, hundreds of thousands of people are imprisoned in inhuman conditions,
B. considering that, in virtue of the laws in force on the territory of the Pople's Republic of China, 68 crimes, among which the fiscal evasion, can be sanctioned with death penalty,
C. considering that, as has been demonstrated in the reports of different international organizations, the capital executions are multiplying in China,
D. considering that the Chinese dissident Wei Jingsheng is at present imprisoned and is in a particularly alarming health condition,
E. considering that the Wei Jingsheng case rises fundamental questions regarding inalienable rights as freedom of expression and opinion,
F. considering that the lawsuit of Wei Jingsheng was executed beyond all criterion of justice,
G. considering that torture and bad treatments are regularly and systematically executed in China, in police-stations, detention centers, work camps and prisons for example,
H. considering that the Council of General Affairs of December 4th 1995 declared that the fundamental objectives of the European Union, in its relations with China, consist of, among other things, supporting the "promotion of democracy and the structures founded on the State of rights and respect for human rights";
1. condemns with firmness the continuous human rights violations perpetrated on the People's Republic of China's territory;
2. asks the liberation of the prisoners for crime of opinion and the immediate closing of the laogai;
3. asks the People's Republic of China's government to immediately release Wei Jingsheng and to assure that he receives appropriate medical care;
4. asks the People's Republic of China's government to proceed, without delay, a new independent and open to international observers juridical exam of the Wei Jingsheng case;
5. asks the Chinese government to authorize the international humanitarian organizations to visit the detained people in the Chinese prisons;
6. asks the Commission to represent in a brief period of time a report on the Union's existing policy with regard to China, giving special attention to the question of respect for human rights and fundamental rights;
7. has the opinion that the European Union has to be ready to proceed to pressure and even sanctions, in its economic and commercial relation with China;
8. asks the Commission if the human rights violations perpetrated in China will have any influence on the future that will be reserved for this country's candidature for its adhesion to the world-wide organization of commerce;
9. charges its President to transmit the present resolution to the Commission, to the Council, to the governments of the member states and to the government of the People's Republic of China.
Through the initiative of a large number of deputies, the Bundestag approved a resolution on human rights violation in Tibet which arouse these last days many protestations from the Chinese authorities, to the extend that "this action of the German Parliament is an impudent violation of international law and a brutal deformation of the international policy in China. The feelings of the Chinese people are profoundly offended. (Agi)". The official visit of the German minister of Foreign Affairs, Klaus Kinkel, planned on July 7th, has been cancelled by the Peking Government without having fixed a new date.
The resolution text approved by the Bundestag.
* Development of the condition of Human rights in Tibet
Referring to the Bundestag Resolution of October 15th 1987, approved by all Parliamentarian Groups, the situation concerning the human rights in Tibet has not improved but aggravated. This is what mainly results from the competent commissions' Anhorung on Tibet dating from June 19th 1995.
Since the violent military action that followed the Chinese invasion of 1950, the violent repression in Tibet with as counterpart the effort for a political, ethnical, cultural and religious repression has till now continued. The Chinese policy of repression in Tibet resulted in serious human rights violations, environment destructions and important economic, social, legislative and political damages for the Tibetan people and lately also a sinisation of Tibet.
An example of how the Tibetan religious life has been prevented is related to the kidnapping of the child recognized by the Dalai Lama as the reincarnation of the Panchen Lama, as well as his replacement with another Panchen Lama by the Chinese government.
Since years the Dalai Lama has become engaged for a pacific dialogue with the Chinese government.
The German Bundestag,
1. considering that Tibet maintained during its history an ethnic, cultural and religious identity;
2. profoundly concerned about the fact that this autonomous identity risks, with the brutal Chinese invasion in 1950 to be destroyed;
3. taking note that after the German bundestag declaration of June 19th 1995, the situation of the rights of the Tibetan people hasn't improved;
4. considering that the Federal Republic policy supports the realization of the self-determination right everywhere in the world, and that the historical and legal situation of Tibet reinforces its autonomy right;
5. taking note that, on the principle that the policy of the Federal Republic that doesn't accept any unjust utilization of violence nor serious human rights violations, the human rights violations continue in Tibet;
6. profoundly concerned about the abduction of the Tibetan 6 year old child, Gedhun Nyima and of his parents by the Chinese authorities shortly after the Dalai Lama recognized him as the youngest reincarnation of the second Tibetan authority, the Panchen Lama, born in 1989;
I. denounces the policy of the Chinese authorities which, as for Tibet, leads to an action of identity destruction, especially through the colonizations and the transfers of a large number of Chinese, sterilization of women and forced abortions, political, religious and cultural imprisonments as well as the country's control by a Chinese
II. requests the Federal Government to engage strongly:
- in order that the government of the People's Republic of China respects the human rights recognized on international level and ceases its violations against Tibetan people;
- in order that the Chinese authorities proceed the immediate release of Gedhun Choekyi Nyima and his family as well their repatriation;
- in order that the Chinese government suspends each policy that causes the destruction of the Tibetan culture as for example the organized transfer of a large number of Chinese to dilute the Tibetan people as well as the prosecution of Tibetan culture representatives;
- in order that economic, social, juridical and political rights of the Tibetan people at present violated are respected;
- in order that the political prisoners in Tibet are liberated;
- in order that the repatriation of Tibetans who live abroad be facilitated;
- in order that the reports from the UN Commission of Human Rights continue in the future to wish and to discuss on a critical way the human rights situation in Tibet;
- in order that the Tibetans may be given the ways of collaboration for development and in order that the Tibetan people have the possibility to access to adequate education;
- in order that the environmental destruction in Tibet ceases;
- in order that more attention is paid to Tibetan instances concerning the Tibetan culture and religion, and in order that the domains where German people and government could offer help be precised;
- in order that is examined, after having consulted the UN High Commissionership for Refugees, what the indispensable means of help are to maintain the cultural identity of the Tibetan refugees;
- to provide an efficient support for the education of young Tibetans, especially through a significant number of scholarships from German educational institutions;
- in order that the respective measures are equally respected and executed within the European Union.
In several European cities the distribution of postcards for the liberation of the XIth Panchen Lama continues in the streets. The group of Giessen "Tibet Initiative Deutschland" will organize at the beginning of June a booth at the University. In expectation, we crossed the bar of 3.000 postcards sent from 28 countries in the world to the Chinese president Zemin with a progression of 1.083 in 20 days: an average of 54 cards a day. But we need more...
* Situation of the postcards sent to the Chinese President.
(As of June 24th)
5/20 6/4 6/24
Germany 69 111 228
Austria 5 7 10
Belgium 238 299 359
Bulgaria 20 20 20
Croatia 3 4 20
Denmark 7 7 12
Spain 28 42 102
United States 2 2 3
Russian Federation 4 4 36
France 561 627 851
Hungary 4 4 5
India 0 5 5
Ireland 2 2 15
Iceland 0 1 1
Italy 54 226 406
Liechtenstein 2 2 4
Luxembourg 13 14 15
Nepal 1 1 1
Norway 290 338 377
Netherlands 16 28 48
Poland 45 47 52
Portugal 3 6 7
United Kingdom 10 23 4
Czech Republic 14 16 27
Slovakia 9 10 10
Sweden 8 12 19
Switzerland 170 176 440
Ukraine 12 23 27
TOTAL 1590 2057 3140
Postcards are available in any Radical Party office and most of the Tibet Support Groups. To request large quantities we advise to contact the Brussels Radical Party headquarters (Tel. +32-2-2304121, Fax +32-2-2303670).
- Czech Republic. The weekly papers "Tyden" and "Reflex" published this week articles on the freedom of Tibet. Paolo PIETROSANTI, member of the General Council of the TRP and Jan JARAB were interviewed on the results of the TSG Conference in Bonn and on the manifestation of March 10th in Brussels.
- Belgium. Interview with TRP Secretary, Olivier DUPUIS, on the role of Europe when facing dictatorial policies as in China and on the use of common economic politics to demand the respect for human rights: "Nord Eclair", Europe sets out again from the democracy, by Christophe DE CAEVEL.
- Belgium. An article by Ines WOUTERS on the nonviolent initiatives organized in Belgium for the freedom of Tibet by "Les Amis du Tibet" and by the TRP has been published in the June issue of "S.D.F. Journal". The article ends with an explanation of the adjective "Radical" which, according to the author, means "going to the roots of things": to avoid "useless quiproquos".
- Spain. From the book "The passionate reason - Fernando SAVATER discusses with Juan ARIAS", by Hado LYRIA. (JA) "But I know very well that at a certain point you had a party card in your wallet." (FS) "In my entire life, I've only had two political cards: the first at the age of sixteen, and after that I became interested in the Transnational Radical Party, first because I liked the radicals' message, but above all means because it had something anti-nationalist."
People asked us repeatedly in which cities the Radical Party's offices are located to collect the postcards for the Panchen Lama's liberation, for the appeals as well as for information material. And of course to subscribe at the TRP. We publish here the list of the TRP addresses in the world, most offices only possess a telephone, a copy-machine and a computer.
- Brussels (Belgium) Tel. 32.2.2842579/2304121 Fax 32.2.2303670
- Rome (Italy) Tel. 39.6.689791 Fax 39.6.68805396
- New York (U.S.A.) Tel. 212.980-1031 Fax 212. 980-1072
- Budapest (Hungary) Tel. 36.1.2663486/0935 Fax 36.1.187937
- Moscow (Russian Fed.) Tel./Fax 95.9239127
- Baku (Azerbaijan) Tel./Fax 7.8922.934592
- Bucharest (Rumania) Tel./Fax 40.1.3126364
- Kiev (Ukraine) Tel./Fax 44.2692468
- Madrid (Spain) Tel. 34.1.4587274 Fax 34.1.3440166
- Minsk (Bielorussia) Tel. 7.172.337177
- Prague (Czech Rep.) Tel./Fax 42.2.264393
- Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovine) Tel. 387.71.484853
- Sofia (Bulgaria) Tel./Fax 359.2.9800146
- Tblisi (Georgia) Tel. 7.8832.982161
- Tirana (Albania) Tel./fax 355.42.23511
- Warsaw (Poland) Tel./Fax 48.22.249294
- Zagreb (Croatia) Tel./Fax 385.1.277959
- E-mail:
- WWW-Url: http//
We publish a poster size A3 for the liberation campaign for the Chinese dissident WEI. The poster is translated in several languages and is available on demand at the TRP office in Brussels.