TYDEN (one of the most popular Czech periodicals), June 24th, 1996, page 12th.
Four Tibetan monks will perform an exotic ceremony of showering the Mandala in the Ballgame Hall of Prague Castle. The action called "Loving eyes" will start on Tuesday, June 25th at 6 p.m. and will end five days later, when the sand from Mandala will be tiped into the Vltava river - as the sacrifice for gods.
Mandala is one of the main symbols of the Tibetan Buddhism. This - usually circular figure - illustrates Buddhist idea of the universe. It is therefore also important meditation aid. Mandalas are usually painted on the paper, exist however also three-dimensional Mandalas. Among those takes special possition the Mandala, which is created ritually for several days from differently coloured sand, which may contain even gold powder and crushed gems. Four Lamas, who will open their action by sacred songs, come from Gjuto Monastery in India. Their original home, 13 centuries old temple Ramoche in Tibetan Lhasa, was reduced by Chinese into empty walls, decorated solely by paintings of Chairman Mao; nowadays is Ramoche under the reconstruction. One of the main goals of "Loving eyes" is to point out particulary the Chinese wrongdoing in Tibet. The oppressive situation of Tibet was discussed two weeks ago in Bonn in the international conference organized by Friedrich Naumann Fo
undation and Tibetan exile organizations. According to Paolo Pietrosanti from Transnational Radical Party the conference agreed to appeal the General Secretary of the United Nations to receive the Dalai Lama in order to help opening the negotiations between the Dalai Lama and Peking.
(a small map of China and Tibet was subjoined)