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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Conferenza Partito radicale
Partito Radicale Centro Radicale - 28 giugno 1996

After the European Parliament, the Luxembourg Parliament and the German Bundestag, even the Belgian Parliament approved a resolution on the severe situation in Tibet. When will such documents be approved Parliaments world-wide?


Brussels, June 28, 1996. The Belgian Parliament approved a clear and demanding resolution on the severe situation in Tibet as well as on the necessity to extend to the International Community the operative responsibility for an urgent definition of the Tibetan struggle for freedom.

In the approved resolution, the Belgian Parliament asks its own Government " to support the process of negotiation proposed by the Dalai Lama and by the Tibetan Government- in- exile, to the Chinese authorities" and " to demand the Peoples Republic of China to stop the policy of the Chinese population transfer in Tibet, which is in blatant violation of the Art. 49 of the 1949 Geneva Convention". The resolution also demands the Belgian Government to propose at the Prime Ministers European Council to have a proper position about this matter and to make every effort so that the Tibetan Government- in- exile can be recognized as an Observer by the United Nations.

After the vote, Olivier DUPUIS, Secretary of the Radical Party and European Deputy declared: "The Transnational and Transdivisional Radical Party which in collaboration with the Tibet Support Group and The Tibetan Government- in- exile is committed to promote a world-wide campaign for the freedom in Tibet, thanks "Les Amis du Tibet - Belgium" for the tenacity that they showed in order to get the resolution approved and the Belgian Parliamentarians who voted it, starting with the Social-Christian Group's President, Mr Jacques LEFEVRE, the real author of this very important initiative for the freedom of Tibet. I also wish that this "wind of democracy" which allowed the approval of this resolution as the others from the European, Luxembourg and German Parliament does not end here. These documents can be a concrete example for the beginning of a new period of collaboration between more Parliamentarians and the United Nations for the freedom in Tibet, such as the Belgian resolution requires.

Radical Party

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