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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Conferenza Partito radicale
Partito Radicale Budapest - 15 luglio 1996

Newsletter on the campaigns of the Radical Party for the freedom of Tibet and the democracy on China.

"I truly believe that individuals can make a difference in society. Since periods of great change such as the present one come so rarely in human history, it is up to each of us to make the best use of our time to help create a happier world".

His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, 1992

Issue #29, July 16, 1996

Editors office: Massimo Lensi, Dorottya u. 3.III.em6 - 1051 Budapest (H)Tel. +36-1-266.34.86 - 266.09.35 Fax. +36-1-11.87.937

E-mail: M.Lensi@agora.stm.it WWW-URL http://www.agora.stm.it/pr - Telnet: Agora.stm.it

Distribution; Alberto Novi, rue Belliard 89, Rem 508, 1047 Brussels (B)Tel: +32-2-2304121 - Fax: +32-2-2303670

Published in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Hungarian, Croatian and Rumanian



Parliaments are already closed, cities are emptying. We are faced with the risk proper to each holiday: a paralysis of political campaigns in progress. We can try to conjure this by using the next weeks to start some initiatives in order to prepare the campaigns that are waiting for us in September and to continue the ones in progress. We can, for example, take advantage of this period and participate in numerous manifestations that will take place in holiday resorts or in our cities to inform on the situation in Tibet and China. More numerous are the people we will be able to contact and bigger are our chances to be successful in the appointments that are yet scheduled. Starting with the day of October 2nd - Mahatma Gandhi's anniversary - for the liberation of the Panchen Lama and of WEI Jingsheng. In various European cities, information booths took place. They distribute information material and postcards for the liberation of the Panchen Lama. In this perspective, we created two car stickers "Freedom for

Tibet" what could become a small but significant test in the next weeks for the adhesion to the struggle for the freedom of occupied Tibet: millions of cars with the back "sign" "Free Tibet". Like the model of what happened twenty years ago when the anti-nuclear and ecological area started with "No Nukes" - "Nuclear No Thanks"; the purpose is to favour the spread of political consciousness on the liberation instances of the Roof of the World.

To conclude this rich parliamentary season in which, as we reported in our preceding editions, the European Parliament, the Luxembourg Parliament, the German Bundestag and the Belgian Chamber of representatives approved resolutions on the situation in Tibet, the Liechtenstein Parliament also voted a resolution on occupied Tibet and on the request to open Chinese-Tibetan negotiations. Another step forward...while waiting for an autumn that is hopefully rich in similar initiatives.




Renate MULLER, from "Tibet-Unterstutzung Liechtenstein", announced that the Parliament of the Principality received the popular petition on Tibet, presented by TUL in April. The resolution, approved on June 19th, foresees that the Parliament asks the General Secretary of the United Nations "to receive the Dalai Lama to examine the following matters concerning the specific culture of the Tibetan people: to determine the possibilities to start the direct negotiations between the Tibetan Government-in-exile and the People's Republic of China; to respect the religious practice of the Tibetan people, by referring in particular to the Panchen Lama chosen by the Dalai Lama; to raise all impediments for the cultural expression of the Tibetan people".



(July 15th)

-Appeal to the UN General Secretary to receive the Dalai Lama. We received 955 adhesions from members of 39 different parliaments. To call attention to the adhesion of the first American Congress deputy, the Hawaiian deputy.

-Wei Jingsheng Nobel Peace Price 1997.

289 propositions of candidature from parliamentarians and university professors holders of the chairs of History, Philosophy, Political Science and Law.

-Liberation of the Panchen Lama.

The campaign exceeded the amount of 4000 postcards sent to the Chinese President Zemin for the liberation of the XIth Panchen Lama. More exactly, 4.081 postcards have been sent, from more than 50 countries, on July 15th. These last days, citizens from Japan and New-Zealand joined the campaign for the liberation of the world's youngest political prisoner.

For more information or to receive the material on these three political campaigns promoted by the Radical Party, you can contact the TRP office in Brussels: tel. 32-2-2304121, fax. 32-2-2303670.





The deputies from "Liberales Forum", Heide SCHMIDT, Friedrich FRISCHENSCHLAGER and Klara MOTTER presented a proposition for a resolution on the situation in Tibet which will be discussed by the Austrian Parliament after the summer holidays. In the proposition they ask the federal government to engage in order that all political prisoners in Tibet be liberated, that the Panchen Lama and his family be immediately released and that the Tibetan government-in-exil be recognized by the United Nations. The presentation of the proposition immediately evoked the usual reactions of protest from the SPO (Social-Democrats).




The deputies Zoltan HAJDU and Endre MONOSTORI, both from the Alliance of the Free Democrats (SzDSz), organized, in collaboration with the "Tibetet Segito Tarsasag" from Budapest, the collection of adhesions in the Hungarian Parliament. The appeal has been signed by 87 deputies belonging to the Magyar Democratic Forum, to the Alliance of the Young Democrats and to the Free Democrats.




Thuten KESANG, from "Liaison Office of Tibet", sent the New-Zealand deputies the demand for adhesion to the appeal to the UN General Secretary that he urgently receives the Dalai Lama.




The first congress from the Radical Antimilitarist Association, which took place in Moscow on June 29th and 30th in the presence of the deputies of the State Douma (the Russian Parliament), the Committee members of the Mothers of Soldiers from Russia and the Secretary of the TRP, approved a final motion in which it expresses "the solidarity with the nonviolent struggle for freedom, human rights and human dignity, led by the Tibetan people under the guidance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama".




The Pannella-Reformers club from Lucca sent the mayor of the Toscan city a resolution on the Tibetan situation, asking that the proposition be accepted by the Municipal Council.




The "Tibet On-line Resource Gathering" from San Francisco (US) inaugurated a Web site for the movement of the Tibet Support Groups.




The Chinese dissident WEI Jingsheng's sister announced her subscription to the Radical Party.


-"I think of you Wei Jingsheng" by Yves SIMON, Liberation, July 2nd. Article published in the French daily regarding the famous Chinese dissident who is at present prisoner in a Chinese detention camp and whose health condition is very critical (10062).

-"China-Tibet: selective indignation" by Thomas NAGANT, Le Soir, July 4th. The French Belgian daily publishes on the second page an analysis by the President of the "Friends of Tibet-Belgium" on the actual situation in the snow country and on the resolution recently voted by the Belgian Chamber of Representatives (10107).

-"Peking: an orgy of executions" by Renato FERRARO, Corriere della Sera, July 8th. The Italian daily publishes an article on the repressive campaign "Beat hard" launched by the Chinese government. A campaign that caused already more than thousand capital executions in a few days and that is based on the absurd quota system that wants every locality to "produce" a certain number of death penalties...with or without crime (10120).

-"Interview with WEI Shanshan" by Paolo PIETROSANTI, Radio Radicale, July 8. The Italian radio with political information - Radio Radicale - interviewed WEI Shanshan on the support campaign for the candidature of his brother Jingsheng for the Nobel Peace Price 1997. During the interview, Shanshan pointed out the bad health conditions of his brother, detained without trial in a special prison in China (10100).

The numbers between brackets are the archive codes of the texts reported in the "Pressreview" and introduced in the entire version in the telematic multilingual system Agora in the Radical Party Conference sector (telnet: Agora).


-BUDAPEST (Hungary). From August 16th to 18th. Visit of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in the Hungarian capital. A meeting with the population is scheduled. For more information: Chope Paljor TSERING, His Holiness' representative in Budapest, tel. 36-1-1551808, fax 1551152.

-BERLIN (Germany). From August 26th to 31st. Tibet week organized by the "Peace for Tibet" Committee in Berlin's Kulturzentrum. Films, videos, representations, art, music, etc for the freedom of Tibet. Contact: William MILLER c/o Peace for Tibet, Schoenwalder Strasse 12, 13347 Berlin (Germany), tel/fax. 49-30-4615556.




Stickers "Freedom for Tibet" with the colors of the Tibetan flag - conceived to be pasted on the back windows of cars - will be ready in a couple of days. They will be available in 8 languages and two sizes.

-Languages: English, French, Italian, Dutch, German, Spanish, Hungarian, Croation.

-Size 35 X 9 cm. "Freedom for Tibet":

Advised selling price: 1,30 USD - 2 DEM

Price for 100 items: 107 USD - 160 DEM

Price for 1000 items: 930 USD - 1.400 DEM

-Size 10 X 13 cm. "Free Tibet":

Advised selling price: 0.70 USD - 1 DEM

Price for 100 items: 50 USD - 75 DEM

Price for 1000 items: 430 USD - 650 DEM

The prices don't include mailing expenses. For orders of more than the fixed amount, other prices will be determined. TRP office in Brussels: tel. 32-2-2304121, fax 32-2-2303670.

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