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gio 06 mar. 2025
[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Conferenza Partito radicale
Partito Radicale Olga - 23 luglio 1996

Yesterday, July the 22nd 1996, there was held in the Faculty of Philosophy (Charles University) in Prague a discussion/lecture of the representatives of the Transnational Radical Party about the need and principles of transnational policy in the contemporary world. It was organized thanks to professor Zbynek Zboril from the Chair of Politology, who gave a part of his regular lecture for the American students on disposal of radicals.

The announcement of this lecture was published in dailies (Lidove noviny- July the 20th, Zemedelske noviny- July the 22nd) and broadcasted in the radio.

Given that the Secretary General of the TRP, Olivier Dupuis, could not attend this lecture having the speech in the World Congress of Esperanto in the meantime in Prague, Marino Busdachin, the representative of TRP in the UN, had an opening speech introducing the principles and reasons of transnational and transparty policy. In the discussion that followed were present also John Bok, civil activist and candidate for the Senate elections, Olga Cechurova, member of General Council of TRP, and Jan Jarab, member of TRP.

About 30 people came and followed this two-hours long discussion, including 5 journalists from the Czech press agencies.

After closing this lecture, there was a meeting of the Czech radicals with Olivier Dupuis, Marino Busdachin and Marina Sikora, where the further strategy for the campaigns, particulary on Tibet, International Tribunal and drugs, were agreed.

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