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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Conferenza Partito radicale
Ottoni Sandro - 26 luglio 1996

Newsletter on the campaign of the Radical Party.

N. 4, July 26, 1996


* Editor: Sandro Ottoni, Ilica 8 - 10000 Zagreb (Croatia) -

Tel/Fax. +385-1-277.959 - e-mail S.Ottoni@agora.stm.it -

WWW-Url: http//:www.agora.stm.it/pr - Telnet: Agora.stm.it

* Distribution: Alberto Novi - rue Belliard 89 - Rem 508,

1047 Bruxelles (B); Tel.+32-2-2304121, Fax +32-2-2303670.

Published in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Croatian.


Dear friends,

this issue, which encloses an intervention of the Secretary on some initiative proposals at middle-term, summarizes briefly the Transnational Radical Party activities of the last three months. Anyway, more information is available in the different radical publications, made for every single campaign and reported each time. As you can see, our initiatives, in spite of the financial crisis we have been going through, have been numerous. In fact, these last days, in the streets of different cities, a few stands have been built in order to distribute information on the campaigns, to promote the enrollment in the party and to collect money contributions. At the initiative of the Treasurer, this has been called an extraordinary campaign for the enrollment and for the collection of contributions. From the beginning to the end of April, 422 people have joined the TRP and a contribution of $254,000 has been collected. In spite of these positive results, on July 25th, only 2,718 people in the entire world, joined th

e TRP (of which 2,283 in Italy),

contrary to the 4,039 of last year, while the indebtedness of the Party remains really serious. It is through this instrument of information that

we would like, once again, to ask all of you who joined the Party in 1996, to make it stronger, by distributing this bulletin everywhere

you live and work; by sending us the names of people who are interested in receiving information on one or more political campaigns and by asking everyone to join the TRP.

Keep up the good work

P.S. This "Transnational Fax" issue has, for the first time, also

been sent to the receivers of the "Freedom for Tibet - Democracy for China Fax" and "Antiprohibitionists of the Entire World-Fax". To receive the next issues of the Transnational Fax:

Fax: +32-2-230.36.70 or E-mail: pr.bruxelles@agora.stm.it



Strasburg, June 21. The European Parliament approved an important resolution on the situation of the Chinese dissident WEI Jingsheng who was recently sentenced for another fifteen years of prison. The resolution, presented by the Radical, Green and Liberal Groups demands to the Chinese Government the immediate revision of the trial, which has to be open to International observers. In the resolution, the EP also demands the immediate closing of all the "laogai" (the hard labour camps), and invites the Chinese Government to ensure all the International Human Organizations to visit all the prisoners in the Chinese prisons. The Radical Party, in collaboration with the Democracy in China and Human Rights in China, is collecting signatures in support of Wei Jingsheng's candidacy for the Nobel Peace Prize. So far, roughly 300 Parliamentarians and University Professors have decided to support this action.


Strasburg, July 18. The European Parliament, welcoming the remarkable democratic improvements made by Taiwan, in spite of the provocations and aggressions suffered by the People's Republic of China, is looking for a peaceable dialogue, invites the Council and the Member States to adopt any kind of measure, in order to increase the participation of Taiwan to the United Nations and other International Institutions. The resolution, approved, in spite of the opposition of the Socialist and Communist Groups, was presented by the PPE Deputies, Laurila and Reding, and supported by the Deputies Dell'Alba and Dupuis (ARE) and by Liberal and Green Groups.


The collected signatures of the Parliamentarians to ask the U.N. Secretary-General to receive the Dalai Lama is still going on (today there are 963 signatures), while 4,000 postcards for the release of the Panchen Lama have been sent to the Chinese President Zemin.


is available at the TRP headquarter in Brussels (tel: 32-2-230.41.21; fax: 32-2-230.36.70; e-mail: pr.bruxelles@agora.stm.it).

-------------- INTERNATIONAL COURT -------------------------


In June, the Association "There is no Peace without Justice", thanks to

a financing from the European Union, was able to send to more than 20,000 Parliamentarians worldwide, a magazine which reports the history of the ad hoc Tribunal (Yugoslavia and Rwanda) and the Permanent Tribunal. An appeal in support of the United Nations Preparatory Committee, in order to proceed without further obstacles to the convocation of the institution of a Plenipotentiary Conference for the Permanent Tribunal was also diffused with the newsletter. So far, more than 400 Parliamentarians from over 30 countries adhered to the appeal.


Strasburg, July 18. A resolution, presented by different Parliamentary Groups in favour of the immediate arrest of Radovan Karadzic and Ratko

Mladic, accused for war crimes by The Hague Tribunal, was approved by the European Parliament with a large majority. The resolution asks the IFOR to elaborate a plan in order to arrest Karadzic and Mladic and

invites the European Union to give the indispensable political and logistic support.

------------ ANTI-PROHIBITIONISM ON DRUGS ------------------------

CORA INITIATIVES (The Radical Anti-Prohibitionist Committee, active in Belgium and Italy).

- Luxembourg, June 20. The Cora gave its total support to all the motions approved by the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies in favour of the legalization of drugs. The approved motions are an appeal to Belgium and the Netherlands for a common policy on the legalization of marijuana and its derivatives and for a controlled distribution of opiates and cocaine.

- Rome, July 17. Due to the hunger strike of Carmelo Palma, a city councillor of Turin, and of other CoRA members, the Minister of Social Affairs, Livia Turco, committed herself to modify, through a ministerial circular, some paragraphs of a recent decree-law on drug addictions. These paragraphs didn't allow physicians to prescribe methadon to cure drug addicts, leaving the use of this substance only to the specialists. Awaiting this circular, which could be the fulfillment of the 1993 referendum on the matter, the CoRA reserves the right to impugn the measure in all the legal seats.

- The collecting of the signatures for the appeal to the Belgian Parliament in order to revise the current law on drugs, proposed by Patrick MORIAU, Socialist Deputy and Mayor of Chapelle-lez-Herlaimont and also promoter of the CoRA in Belgium, is still going on. The appeal, subscribed by a few deputies, doctors and experts, demands the immediate legalization of "soft drugs" and the depenalization of the use of "hard drugs". Among the latest adhesions we would like to point out: Ilya PRIGOGINE, Nobel Prize for Physics.

- The CoRA started a European campaign on the legalization of drugs and the revision of the International Conventions, addressing the National and European Parliamentarians. This campaign is based on a new "instrument", known as PAA - PARLIAMENTARIANS FOR ANTIPROHIBITIONIST ACTION - European Campaign for the Revision of the International Convention on Drugs, of which the purposes also include the coordination of all antiprohibitionist Parliamentarians. As far as today, 18 Parliamentarians have supported the initiative.

- FURTHER INFORMATION ON CORA/FAX is available at the following numbers:

Tel: +32-2-2842258; Fax: +32-2-2849198; E-mail: cora.belgique@agora.stm.it


MOSCOW, June 28. Olivier DUPUIS, Secretary of the Transnational Radical Party and Member of the European Parliament, has presented the Russian version of the book "Stop prohibitionism. The Radical and the drug", at the Russian-American press center, in Moscow.


Rome, JULY 23. The Italian Constitutional Court confirmed that giving

drugs to somebody else, even for free, is a crime. The sentence was urged because of a civil disobedience action by Marco Pannella. In fact, he was arrested, in August 1995, during a protest manifestation, because

he was handing out marijuana. The question, brought up by the prosecutor, in consequence of the result of the Radical referendum in 1993, which depenalizes the possession of small quantities of "soft drugs", was rejected by the Court. Now, the magistracy can proceed against Pannella.

------------ INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE/ESPERANTO ---------------------


Florence, June 22/23. The fifth Congress of the "Esperanto Radikala Asocio" (ERA)

* remembering the achieved successes:

- the Ministerial Circular 126, which for the first time provides complete information on Esperanto to all the Italian schools;

- the 105 schools in 29 countries worldwide connected through the Fundapax Project which has been approved and financed by the UNESCO;

- the approval and the financing of 55% by the European Commission of

the Information Project on "The cost of (non) communication in Europe";

* in view of a realistic possibility to adopt Esperanto as an international auxiliary language, by 2005 and 2020 in all the countries in Europe and in the world

* charges its responsibles with the organization of a research campaign on the financial possibilities and the human ressources.

Elected responsibles: President: Leo SOLARI - Secretary: Giorgio PAGANI - Treasurer: Daniela GIGLIOLO.


Prague, July 20/27. Olivier Dupuis, during his speech at the Congress, pointing out the cost of a non-adoption of an international language, presented some initiative proposals in favour of the adoption of Esperanto: to continue the lobbying activity at the ECOSOC (United Nations) waiting for an answer to the document presented by the TRP; to present to the EP a resolution of urgency, or analogue, which demands the introduction, from 1999 on, of Esperanto as a bridge language, and as a juridical and linguistic language; to present an appeal to the United Nations and to the UNESCO in order to introduce the use of Esperanto in its own bodies. During the Congress, Olivier Dupuis and Marino Busdachin met the President, Prof. Lee Chong-Yeong, the General Secretary, Mark Fettes and the responsible for the contacts with the European Institutions, Hans FETTERS, in order to define common initiatives.

--------- ABOLITION OF THE DEATH PENALTY ----------------------


Rome, May 28. Total success of the "HANDS OFF CAIN" mobilization

organized in collaboration with different Parliamentary Groups, on the

"case of Pietro Venezia", in prison at Rebibbia, where he is waiting for his extradition to the United States, where he is charged with murder.

The Italian Constitutional Court, called to pass a judgement on the case,

asserted the prohibition of extradition to countries which have the death penalty. Sergio D'Elia, Secretary of "Hands off Cain" made this comment: "It is a clamorous sentence that projects the Italian abolitionist position to an international level, towards those countries that still have the death penalty.... Now it is time to revise the bilateral treaties which allowed the extradition towards the executing countries".


* Strasburg, May 2. Moldavia signed the additional protocol of the European Convention on Human Rights, on the abolition of the death penalty.

* South Africa, May 8. The new Constitution which confirms "the right of life" and excludes the death penalty was approved.

* Rome, May. The first issue of the bimonthly magazine "Hands off Cain", was published in Italian and English. For further information: hands.off.cain@agora.stm.it , or the editorial office.

* Belgium, June. The death penalty was completely abolished after 46 years without application.

* Pakistan, June 12. The Pakistani Government abolished the death penalty against women.

* Italy, June 15. Siena, Cinematographic Festival against the death penalty organized in collaboration with Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Hands off Cain and the Social Secretary of the RAI.

* Brazil, July 9. The Secretary of State declares that his country, as well as Italy, will ask the General Assembly of the United Nations, a

moratorium of capital executions. It is an adhesion to the campaign "10 countries, 100 cities, 100,000 signatures to the United Nations in order to stop the death penalty".

---------------- MEETINGS -----------------------------------


Moscow, June 5. More than eighty people attended a meeting which took place at the Memorial Society. The meeting was opened by Nicolaj Khramov and Navang Rabgyal, representative of the Dalai Lama in Russia, C.I.S., and Mongolia. The Assembly decided to reinforce the proposal for the abolition of the obligatory conscription in Russia, within the year 2000, and the continuation of the T.R.P. initiatives in favour of Tibet and of the Panchen Lama.


Zagreb, June 8. Roughly fifty people attended the Radical Association's Statutory Assembly in Croatia (TRS), with the Radical General Secretary,

Olivier Dupuis, the Deputy Zdravko Tomac and the Dalai Lama representative, Paljor Tsering. Tomac, who is also President of the Zagreb City Council, announced his resignation from the TRS Presidency, because of his binding job. The Assembly elected, instead, Croatian deputy Tereza Ganza Aras, as President and Marina Sikora as Vice-President. During the meeting eight people decided to join the T.R.P.


Moscow, June 29/30. More than one hundred people attended the first ARA Congress, registering the presences of the T.R.P. Secretary, Olivier Dupuis, a few Duma Deputies (Russian Parliament), The Mothers of the Russian Soldiers' Committee and other antimilitarist organizations.

The association, in operation since May 1995, confirmed, among other things, its own final motion: - the struggle for a democratic and non-discriminatory law on the alternative civil service, and if it will be necessary, the indiction of a referendum; - supporting President Eltsin's initiative in favour of the institution of a professional armed force in 2000; - welcoming the acquittance of Vadim Hesse charged with reticency; - supporting the international campaign for the release of Captain Nikitin, the former Soviet Naval Force officer and member of the ecologist organization "Belluna", who was arrested and charged with "spying"; - inviting the T.R.P. to reinstall the antimilitarist initiative, also starting with a large campaign for enrollment in the ARA and in the T.R.P.

Elected responsibles: President: Valerij BORSCEV, Deputy; Secretary: Nikolay KHRAMOV; Treasurer: Ilja ZANEGIN.


E-mail: ara@glasnet.ru. or http://www.agora.stm.it / Conference Antimilitarism


Prague, July 22. The Charles University's Philosophy Department and Professor Zbynek Zboril invited the Radical members, Marino Busdachin, representative to the United Nation and the Czech Radicals, Olga Cechurova, John Bok and Jan Jarab, to hold a conference on the T.R.P. initiatives. Roughly thirty students and different newspaper reporters actively participated in the debate. Soon afterwards, a meeting between the Radical Czech members and Dupuis, Busdachin and Sikova, on the current Radical campaigns took place.

----------- ENCLOSED ----------------------------


(Synthesis: the omissions are related to the arguments already treated in the Transnational-fax)

Rome July 12-14, 1996

Dear friends,

the following is not a summary of the T.R.P. initiatives that the Party has brought to a good end, in spite of our severe economic and financial difficulties, but it is an attempt to trace out the "lines of initiative" for the next months. (...)

As an introduction - extremely important - I would like to underline that these lines of initiative take into account or better try to integrate - even if on a completely inadequate way - the initiative announced by the president of the Movement and TRP militant, concerning the antiprohibitionist question. Methodologically, I proceed as on other occasions, by going over the priorities, one by one, that have been defined by the motion of the last Radical Party's congress, which has been held, as you remember, in April 1995.

Honor to whom honor is due, I start with a subject that will, in one way or another, be, according to me, in the center of you, of our Movement's activities during the next months: the antiprohibitionist issue.

1. The antiprohibitionist issue of the TRP: for a modification and/or a denunciation of the conventions

* The "Antiprohibitionists worldwide" agency

In these first 14 months, I, we, accumulated some delay. It is only recently, thanks to the engagement of the CoRA, that we could start a certain activity on this matter. As you certainly know, we succeeded, in the last weeks, to publish three issues of the "Antiprohibitionists worldwide" agency. An instrument of information and of action that is sent by fax or by electronic mail to some 600 selected addressees. This bulletin was first distributed in four languages (English, Italian, Spanish and French) and now in five languages, with the addition of Russian. It gives us above all the possibility to build and to rebuild a network at mundane level of contacts with those who are engaged, in one or another way, in the struggle against the flow of prohibitionism. This agency, according to a consolidated tradition, is at first sent to the members of parliaments.

* The PAA: Parliamentarian for Antiprohibitionist Action

Still according to this approach, with the CoRA friends, we are trying, with the European Parliament, to create an organized moment of antiprohibitionist parliamentarians. For this goal, a Committee is being created: the PAA (Parliamentarians for Antiprohibitionist Action), which will have its first reunion next week in Strasburg and of which the first action consists of presenting a proposition of recommendation to the Council and the Member States of the European Union, asking in particular to "proceed in order to legalize the production and the consumption of cannabis derivations and to depenalize the use of other substances illegal at present".

* The brochure: "Let's make an end to the prohibitionism: the radicals and the drugs" (...)

* CoRA congress in Brussels in December

Still on this issue, we evaluate, with the CoRA friends, the possibility of organizing in December at the European Parliament in Brussels a CoRA congress. This one should equally comprehend the moments of reflection on the seminars on more precise questions. A due date that could constitute a moment of organization on the European level of our campaign.

2. Institution of a Permanent International Court

In August, the UN preparatory committee that was established last year will have to finish its work. There is an important risk that this committee will not finish its work and that another preparatory committee will be established. For this reason we tried to maintain the pressure on the UN and the Member States during this period, through our office at the UN in particular, but also through the resolutions at the EP and the contacts with the personalities from governmental areas (...).

Contacts we had and still have with different personalities involved in this difficult process, it seems that we could make an honorable compromise: the institution of a last preparatory committee parallel with the fixation of a date for the convocation of the plenipotentiary conference in 1998.

We equally prepare, if the mandates of capture against Mladic and Karadzic are not causing any effects, a campaign for the modification of the ad hoc tribunal statute on crimes committed in former Yugoslavia, a modification that would consist of the introduction of judgements by default.

3. Freedom for Tibet - Democracy for China

* Appeal to the UN General Secretary to receive the Dalai Lama as soon as possible (...)

* Campaign for the liberation of the Panchen Lama (...)

* "My car for the freedom of Tibet"

Two stickers "Freedom for Tibet" - Satyagraha 1998" are being printed. The idea, the attempt is to make from the slogan "Freedom for Tibet" an equivalent of the slogan "Nuclear, no thanks" from the 70's and 80's, and to have tens of millions of cars in the entire world carrying this sticker, conceived to be particularly visible.

* October 2nd: Gandhi's anniversary

For October 2nd, Gandhi's anniversary, we verify the possibility to make this day a fighting day in numerous European cities for the freedom of Tibet and the democracy in China around the two emblematic individuals, the Panchen Lama, sequestered by the Chinese authorities and WEI Jingsheng, the most famous Chinese dissident, condemned, after having spent 14 years in prison, to a new penalty of 15 years. The project, set out around torch marches, could be of particular significance in the light of the still very critic health condition of WEI Jingsheng.

* Campaign for the attribution of the Nobel Prize to WEI Jingsheng

(...) We are still far away from the objective of 2000 and, if possible, of 3000 adhesions. But we have 6 months left until January 31st 1997 and the positive signs are multiplying: WEI Shanshan, Jingsheng's sister subscribed the TRP last week, very good relations have been established with Harry WU, with FANG Lizi and other personalities from the Chinese dissidence.

* A flag for Tibet in 5000 communities worldwide

These days we study the feasibility and also the costs of a repetition, in 1997, of the campaign "A flag for Tibet". As you know, this year, on March 10th, more than 600 communities of the world and among them, thanks to the help of Enzo BIANCO, president of the Association of Italian Communities, some 300 Italian communities adhered to the campaign. In Bonn, the second worldwide Conference of Tibet support groups decided to make this campaign its own, thus opening new perspectives.

* Motion in the parliaments

During these weeks we noted two important successes at the parliamentary front. After the approval by the European Parliament of three resolutions on the Tibet question in the last 12 months, the Bundestag and the Belgian Chamber of deputies approved similar resolutions. We are now launching similar initiatives in other parliaments, starting with the Italian Parliament, where a group of deputies should very soon present a motion project that finds inspiration in the one presented by Lorenzo Strik Lievers and 60 other deputies during the former legislation.

* The Dalai Lama at the European Parliament

Still at the parliamentary front, we are preparing, with the friends of the Tibet intergroup at the European Parliament, a visit of the Dalai Lama in Strasburg which could, thanks to Emma Bonino's help, open new political and institutional perspectives.

* Satyagraha's calendar 1998

In the next couple of weeks, still with Emma, we take of to Dharamsala, seat of the Tibetan government in exile, to try to define better, with our friends of the Tibetan government in exile, a calendar of exchanges - as dense as possible - from now to 1998, when the worldwide Satyagraha for the Freedom of Tibet SHOULD be launched.

* March 10 1997: second European manifestation for Tibet

Still in Bonn, the Tibetan government and the Tibet Support Groups decided to repeat, next March 10th, this year's experience of the first European manifestation of Brussels. At this moment, the orientation is to organize this second European appointment in Geneva, taking into account the fact that the next UN Commission on Human Rights will take place at the same moment in Geneva. The Commission that, as you remember, saw us this year as the protagonists on different fronts, among which Kossovo, Oriental Timor, Turkestan, Checheno Republic, and of course Tibet and China.

* Radio Free Tibet

Radio Radicale is working with other European radio stations on a radio project for Tibet, and in particular for the Tibetans in Tibet. A project that allows them to participate more directly in the Mundane movement we are, among others, working on now.

4. Universal abolition of Death Penalty

The situation of the campaign for the universal abolition of death penalty is at the moment, for conjunctural reasons, in a more difficult phase. In particular, the sensitive position of certain states, in the first place the United States, which have to face important electoral exchanges, make the subscription to this year's General Assembly on the universal moratorium of capital executions a hot item.

A year, moreover the one of the American elections, will also be the one of the election or the re-election of the UN Secretary General to whom, as you know, the United States have not - at the moment - reconfirmed their support. There is no doubt that these exchanges have an effect on the disposability of the States or certain States to subscribe to the UN item of the moratorium question. We could - unfortunately - verify this directly in different European chancelleries.

I believe - but the reflection is far from being concluded - that it is necessary to define rapidly, with the friends "Hands of Cain", the modalities of a repetition of this campaign starting the first months of 1997.

5. Institution of a universal communication language

In June we presented a document on the question of linguistic communication and of Esperanto at the Economic and Social Committee of the United Nations (ECOSOC). In a couple of weeks we should know if this document has been put on the agenda. This would signify an important premiere in the United Nations.

Thanks to the work of militants of the Radical Esperanto Association, the number of parliamentarians who adhered to the appeal to face the communication question in the European institutions, increases.

It is now necessary to enlarge this campaign, that it turns worldwide instead of European, by also implying other Esperanto organizations. (...) An objective which we will HAVE to pursue also through the project presented by the ERA to the European Union and of which the dimension will need a strong engagement of the TRP.

6. The campaign for Human Rights in Cuba

This campaign underwent a moment of stagnation during the closing operated by Castro some months ago. As you remember, during these days, our friend Begona Rodriguez was also expelled from Cuba. An occasion of repetition could take place if Castro's visit to Italy in fall would be confirmed.

7. The antimilitarist campaign in Russia (...)

Here, briefly summarized, the initiatives in progress or in preparation. Not numerous enough if our reference points are the objectives that we pointed out in our motion. Too numerous if we have the difficult economic and financial situation of the TRP in mind.

Since April 1995, the situation of the party - I am convinced - improved on a structural level. This is due to the restructuration-reorganization the treasurer and myself have accomplished during the last 14 months. A task that we entrusted to the Congress and of which we will, hopefully, present a first balance-sheet to a General Council in the next months.

But, if from an "expenses" point of view we succeeded in operating a reduction and an optimalization, we haven't yet succeeded to create - in an adequate way - new financial sources and, in particular, to open new subscription "fronts". The goal of our hope as well as of our efforts - even if they are certainly inadequate - is to launch such process.

Nevertheless, I don't see the possibility that such process could be produced - with a minimum of consistence - within the next months. It is an evaluation which seems important to share with you at a moment we, as a movement, have to decide to close our doors tomorrow or in six months.

I believe that with the extraordinary engagement of the Movement and its president on the antiprohibitionist question in the next months, we could considerably reinforce the possibilities in order to shape such processes, starting with the aniprohibitionist "reservoir" but also with other "reservoirs", such as the "Tibetan reservoir".

I also hope that the Radical Party will be able to give its contribution to the Movement and of course to your struggle and its struggle: the one of antiprohibitionism. This depends - as you can see - on you too! Thank you!

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