Brussels, August 20th, 1996
Dear Friends,
as you could read in the editorial of the enclosed Transnational Fax, we continue our initiatives on the five campaigns you know well by now (the drug legalization, the universal abolition of death penalty, the institution of an Permanent Penal Court, the institution of an international auxiliary communication language and, of course, the freedom for Tibet and the democracy for China). And this while our financial situation remains extremely difficult and preoccupying.
Initiatives we should and would like to multiply in the next weeks and months, organizing namely:
* a new campaign "a flag for Tibet", which saw last March 10th, as you remember, more than 600 mayors from Europe hoist the Tibetan flag on the seat of their community;
* a three day fasting dialogue at the end of September, through which we will ask the ministers of Foreign Affairs of our different countries to intervene firmly in favour of the freedom of the young Panchen Lama and of WEI Jingsheng, the most famous Chinese dissident recently condemned to a new penalty of 15 years (you can communicate your adhesion to the fasting by calling the number 230.41.21);
* a relaunch of the appeal asking the UN General Secretary to receive as soon as possible the Dalai Lama;
* a reinforcement of the campaign for the attribution of the Nobel Peace Price 1997 to WEI Jingsheng;
* the coordination of the organization of the second European manifestation in favour of the freedom of Tibet which will take place next March 10th in Geneva;
* pressure actions on the United Nations in order that the General Assembly finally decides during its fall session on the creation of a Permanent International Penal Court;
* the organization in Brussels in December of the first European Congress of the Radical Antiprohibitionist Coordination;
* pressure actions within the European and national institutions in favour of the immediate legalization of the so-called soft drugs and of the depenalization of the consumption of the so-called hard drugs;
* the preparation of a new campaign in favour of the institution of a universal moratorium of capital executions;
* pressure actions within the European institutions in favour of the introduction of Esperanto as a bridge-language and as a language of juridical reference in the translation and interpretation systems and in favour of a serious study on the introduction in the entire European scholar system of Esperanto as a "first second" language.
As you can see, ideas and projects aren't missing. At the contrary! Unfortunately, we seriously risk not to be able to finish them well...Due to the necessary resources! Unless you decide, as some 600 people have decided during the last three months, to give force to these projects, by subscribing to the Transnational Radical Party 1996.
Danilo QUINTO Olivier DUPUIS
Treasurer Secretary
PS.1. The subscription amount for France is 1.300 FF (Account number:...), for Belgium and Luxembourg 7.000 BLF (Account number...).
PS.2. Enclosed you can find the last number of the Transnational Fax (monthly); one of the three reports with "Freedom for Tibet - Democracy for China Fax" (weekly) and "Antiprohibitinists of the entire world...Fax" (bimonthly) that we unfortunately can only send to those who have a fax or an internet address. If this is the case for you and you wish to receive them, please don't hesitate to inform us.