Newsletter on the campaigns of the Radical Party for the freedom of Tibet and the democracy on China.
"I truly believe that individuals can make a difference in society. Since periods of great change such as the present one come so rarely in human history, it is up to each of us to make the best use of our time to help create a happier world".
His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, 1992
Issue #33, September 6th, 1996
Editors office: Massimo Lensi, Dorottya u. 3.III.em6 - 1051 Budapest (H)Tel. +36-1-266.34.86 - 266.09.35 Fax. +36-1-11.87.937
E-mail: M.Lensi@agora.stm.it WWW-URL http://www.agora.stm.it/pr - Telnet: Agora.stm.it
Distribution; Alberto Novi, rue Belliard 89, Rem 508, 1047 Brussels (B)Tel: +32-2-2304121 - Fax: +32-2-2303670
Published in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Hungarian, Croatian and Rumanian
The visit of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in South Africa and his next trip to Australia produced the expected reaction in the Peking Government. In fact, this success comes at the moment that the Chinese regime is looking for international consent, which it needs in order to minimize the important results achieved by the Dalai Lama and his Government in Exile and, more in general, by people all around the world who are struggling for the freedom of Tibet. China, actually, wants and looks for the submission of its economic partners, something it never pretended in the recent past. The German Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kindel, conformed to the Chinese demand, as well as his Australian colleague, Fischer, and the King of Nepal, Birenda Bir Dev, who at this moment is officially visiting the so-called "autonomous region of Tibet". A new and real form of "economic vassalage" is either based on the blackmail of international trade contracts or on the strong political influence that holdings have in their own coun
tries. An intricate and insane political situation of which, we believe, it is possible to get out through an international mobilization for the freedom of Tibet, through a global Satyagraha, a "path of truth", made by dialogue and nonviolent action.
Anyway, something is changing on the international scene. We are seeing more resoluteness in the confrontation with China, as President Mandela recently showed during his meeting with His Holiness, the Dalai Lama. Also the rich season of Parliamentary resolutions on the situation in Tibet is showing us that, today more than in the past, we must continue our initiatives, we must put pressure on our governments, that they take the responsibilities for the necessary political and economic policy, starting with those countries where the parliamentary motions were approved.
As the Dalai Lama used to say, the fasting dialogue is "a first vehicle of political initiative, but also a vehicle in search of justice through dialogue and in nonviolence, a vehicle to answer to the involution of the same protagonist of the international political scene". There is only 18 days left to next October 2nd, and the number of participators in the fasting dialogue reached the amount of 150. The group is composed of members of Tibet Support Groups, the Radical Party and many other organizations as well as citizens, students, artisans, employers from many different countries like Albania, Spain, France, the United States, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Rumania, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy and Poland, who will fast for one, two or three days to ask their own Minister of Foreign Affairs to intervene in favour of the release of Gedhun Choekyi Nima, the eleventh Panchen Lama and of Wei Jingsheng.
This group of people who decided to actively practice a nonviolent action necessarily have to multiply as soon as possible to be certain to reach our goal. We believe that is the right time to make people conscious, to remove "the marsh of the policy of compromise", in order to make concrete steps in favour of the Tibet cause and for the Democracy in China.
You can do it in different ways:
- participating in the fasting dialogue;
- distributing postcards for the release of the Panchen Lama and stickers for the "Freedom of Tibet";
- obtaining supporters for the candidature of Wei Nobel Peace Prize 1997;
- obtaining supporters for the appeal to the U.N. Secretary General to
receive the Dalai Lama;
- and last but not least, joining the Transnational Radical Party.
Tashi delek
We are giving a lot of space to the news on the participants - which are coming in hourly - of the fasting dialogue for the freedom of the XI Panchen Lama and of the Chinese dissident Wei Jingsheng, and on the preparations of the "October 2nd day". In several cities, groups of fasters are organizing themselves. Groups that could, from now on, start to contact the local media in order to organize this three days initiative. We would like to remind you that October 2nd is Mahatma Gandhi's birthday and it is very important to stress the nonviolent meaning of this fasting dialogue which has the goal to sensitize our own Minister of Foreign Affairs, that he supports the release of the Panchen Lama and of Wei Jingsheng. We ask the participators to sent us any possible news on this campaign. There is only 26 days left to October 2nd; 26 days that, as usually, should represent an intense moment of mobilization and diffusion of information on this campaign. In the next "Tibet - China Fax" issue we will publish an "Op
en letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs".
This week another 71 fasters joined the first 36 of last week, bringing the total to 107. New participants are from different countries like Albania, Belgium, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Rumania, Slovenia, Spain and the U.S.A. Among the new participators, we would like to quote: Suzana DEWA, Slovenian Amnesty International President; Carla ROCCHI, Italian State Under-Secretary; Piero VERNI, Italian Tibet President; Giorgio ZHEJI, President of the Academy of Tirana; Patrik MATON, Belgian "Les Amis du Tibet" Secretary; Claude LEVENSON, Writer and President of the CSPT of Geneva and Dumitru CALANCE, Romanian Deputy.
Albania ................. 3
Belgium ................. 12
Croatia ................. 13
France .................. 3
Hungary ................. 5
Italy ................... 36
Poland .................. 10
Rumania ................. 4
Russia ................. 3
Slovenia ................ 1
Spain ................... 2
Switzerland ............. 3
United States ........... 12
Total 107
Albania (2): Giorgio ZHEJI, President of the Academy of Tirana, two days (Tirana), Vladmir HOXHA, RP, two days (Tirana); Belgium (10): Tiziana FALLETTI, RP (Brussels), Michel HANCISSE, RP (Brussels), Palden NORBU, student, (Brussels), Aledys DELFORGE, student, one day, (Brussels), Francois HANRARD, clerk, one day (Brussels), Gregory MALET, one day, (Brussels), Patrick MATON, "Amis du Tibet" secretary, RP (Warneton), Pierre MATON, student, one day, (Warneton), Lhamo SVALUTO, student RP-Les Amis du Tibet, three days, (Brussels), Michele POLET, merchant, one day, (Warneton); Croatia (6): Jasminka IVANOVIC, TSG, one day (Zagreb), Tonci SITIN, University Professor, TSG (Zagreb), Alemka BUZANCIC, teacher, TSG, (Spalato), Sinisa NINCEVIC, teacher, TSG (Spalato), Drago KOPIC, TSG, (Spalato), Branka VUKADIN, physician, TSG (Spalato); Hungary (3): Barbara-Alexandra OPRICS (Budapest), Katalin SZODI, artisan, one day, (Budapest), Sandorne SZODI, teacher, one day (Budapest); Italy (32): Marco AFFATIGATO, RP, enterprise-c
onsultant, three days (Lucca), Paolo BRACALE, RP, three days (Genova), Domenic CECCHI, driver-instructor, three days (Brescia), John FISCHETTI, programmer, RP, three days (Porcia), Livia FLORENZANO, one day (Naples), Silvja MANZI, RP, three days (Rome), Marina SISANI, teacher, RP, three days (Rome), Piero VERNI, Italia-Tibet president, three days (Milan), Antonello MARZANO, engineer (Rome), Gaetano DENTAMARCO, RP (Rome), Tamara TRIFFEZ, photographer, one day (Rome), Ilaria PAOLETTI, unemployed, three days (Florence), Romano CAPANNI, merchant, three days (Florence), Gianluca PANCANI, merchant, three days (Florence), Matteo MALLARDI, entrepreneur, one day (Florence), Sandra NERI, journalist, two days (Florence), Patrizia PIOMBANTI, housekeeper, one day (Florence), Matteo MECACCI, student, one day (Florence), Leonardo CIPRIANI, merchant, one day (Florence), Stefano BARTALI, unemployed, one day (Siena), Daniela DE NUZZO, employer, three days (Florence), Alessandro GARZI, free-lancer, one day (Florence), Laura CO
RINALDESI, student, RP, two days (Grosseto), Filippo DE MARTINO, physician, RP, three days (Grosseto), Anna Rita DINGACCI, astrologer, RP, three days (Grosseto), Leandro PANZERA, interpreter, RP, two days (Grosseto), Maria Rita SALEMME, RP (Grosseto), Franca BERGER, RP (Trento), Lucio BERTE, RP (Milan), Enrica BIAGIONI, one day (Quarrata), Francesco PULLIA, journalist, RP-Italia Tibet (Terni), Carla ROCCHI, State-undersecretary, one day (Rome); Poland (10): Kamilla CHMARA, two days (Cracow), Edyta GOLABIEWSKA, one day (Bydgoszcz), Andrzej GOLABIEWSKI, one day (Bydgoszcz), Katarzyna PACNHIAK, RP, one day (Warsaw), Dorota REYKOWSKA, one day (Warsaw), Jacek SLEZAK, two days (Cracow), Magda SNIEGULSKA, two days (Kiclce), Marta STRZYZEWSKA, two days (Warsaw), Magdalena ZABLOCKA, RP, one day (Warsaw), Danuta ZAWADZKA, one day (Warsaw); Rumania (3): Dumitru CALANCE, deputy (Iasi), Doina DIACON, teacher (Iasi), Vasile DIACON, jurist (Iasi); Slovenia (1): Suzana DEWA, Slovenian Amnesty International president, three
days (Ljubljana); Spain (2): Juan Manuel RICO SEVILLANO, journalist, one day (Madrid), Begona RODRIGUEZ ANTEGUEDAD, RP (Madrid); Switzerland (1): Claude B. LEVENSON, writer, CSPT president, two days (Geneva); U.S.A. (1): Kevin McKINNEY, one day (Indianapolis).
N.B. When the term of the fasting dialogue is not mentioned, it means three days.
Larry GERSTEIN (president), from the International Tibet Independence Movement of Fishers, Indiana (USA), supports the October 2nd initiative and strongly recommends all of the TSG to do the same. The ITIM has sent a presentation paper on the fasting dialogue plus the application form via Internet.
(The Panchen Lama's picture) (Wei's picture)
( ) I participate in the fasting dialogue for the liberation of Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, XIth Panchen Lama, and of the Chinese dissident Wei Jingsheng.
* I have the intention to fast ( ) 1 Day
( ) 2 Days
( ) 3 Days
* We would like to know the dates of your fasting:
( ) September 30th
( ) October 1st
( ) October 2nd
Name ...........................................................
Complete address ...............................................
Country ........................................................
Telephone ......................................................
e-mail .........................................................
Profession/function ............................................
Organization ...................................................
Declaration (optional) .........................................
(your declaration will be distributed on the multilingual telematic system Agora - telnet Agora.stm.it).
* We would like to ask you to send this coupon to one of the addresses listed below:
- via regular mail: Radical Party, Rue Belliard 97-113, Rem 508, 1047 Brussels (Belgium);
- via fax:+32-2-230.36.70;
- via e-mail: pr.bruxelles@agora.stm.it
* It is possible to communicate your participation by phone at the following number: +32-2-230.41.21
By September 5th, the proposals for Wei's candidature reached the amount of 330. We still have a lot of work to do in order to reach the 2,000 proposals before January 1997, even if some positive signals have come from Parliaments and Universities (see Telex). We remind that material for the proposal of Wei's candidature and information on Wei's life are available at any Radical Party office.
* List as of September 6th, 1996.
Parliament University Government Country Members Professors Members Total
Albania - 14 - 14
Austria 14 - - 14
Belarus 3 - - 3
Belgium 9 14 - 23
Bulgaria 6 7 - 13
Canada 11 5 - 16
Croatia 24 7 - 31
Czech Republic - 5 - 5
Denmark 1 - - 1
France 21 11 - 32
Germany 11 4 - 15
Ireland 7 - - 7
Italy 42 34 1 76
Luxembourg 1 - - 1
Moldavia 1 - - 1
Netherlands 3 2 - 5
Norway 3 1 - 4
Poland - 2 - 2
Portugal 3 - - 3
Rumania 2 - - 2
Russia 8 - - 8
Slovenia 6 - - 6
Spain 8 5 - 13
Sweden 2 - - 2
Switzerland - 1 - 1
Ukraine 9 11 - 20
United Kingdom 7 1 - 8
United States - 3 - 3
TOTAL 202 127 1 330
During his recent visit in South Africa, The Dalai Lama met President Nelson Mandela, as well as the former president and current secretary of the "National Party", Frederik de Klerk, Walter Sisulu, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu (Nobel Peace Prize). During the meeting, President Mandela, in spite of pressure by Peking, confirmed the political and economic strengthening between South Africa and Taiwan. His Holiness recognized in President Nelson Mandela the successor of Mahatma Gandhi, example of peace and dialogue. It was a successful meeting also thanks to Guy Liberman and all the South-African Tibet Support Groups' friends.
In the political platform made at the conclusion of both the Republican and Democratic Convention, the Tibetan cause was mentioned. The Democratic Party foresees "a stable China, opening and flourishing, that respects human rights everywhere in the country, Tibet included. The Republican Party supports "the aspiration of the Chinese people for an economic and social freedom in respect of the human rights and of the Tibetans." We hope that after these statements both parties will take action.
The European Union Commissioner for humanitarian aids, Emma BONINO, joined the campaign for Wei Nobel Peace Prize 1997, by signing the candidature proposal.
In the last days, the list for WEI Nobel Peace Prize 1997 became longer, although the goal of 2000 supporters is still far away. We would like to quote the following new participators: from Czech Republic: University Professors Jarab, Zboril, Hejdanek, Trojan and Pinc; from the European Parliament the following Parliamentarians: Lindholm (Green), Barton (PSE), Florio (UPE), Kreiss-Dorfler (Green) and Santini (UPE); from France: the Law Professor Jean-Pierre Gastaud of Nizza, and from Italy: Luigi Lombardi, Professor of Law Philosophy, at the University of Florence, and Giorgio Tecce, Principal of "La Sapienza" University in Rome.
Next October 3rd, the "Maison du Tibet" will officially open in the Swiss city on the initiative of the "Comité de Soutien au Peuple Tibétain". Its purpose is to provide information on Tibet and its culture and also to organize initiatives in order to preserve the Tibetan culture. The "Maison" will be open from 1,30 p.m. to 6,30 p.m, from Monday to Friday, and on Saturday from 10,00 a.m. to 1,30 p.m. The "Maison" is located at Rue Chandieu 9A, 1202 Geneva (Switzerland) Tel and Fax: 22-740.45.44
The United Nations' Preparatory Committee on the establishment of an International Criminal Court has concluded its session with a recommendation to the General Assembly to extend the Committee's mandate for another 3 or 4 sessions. At the last minute, China and a few other countries failed the attempt to bar the adoption of the final report "with consensus". The TRP has been committed for years to a political campaign, starting with the establishment of the ad hoc Tribunals in the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda and recently with the International Criminal Court.
The popular Italian actor bought a Tibetan Flag in Sofia and declared himself supporter of the Tibetan struggle for freedom.
- Brussels (Belgium). September 27, 8,00 p.m.: The Café "Le Pantin", Chaussée d'Ixelles 355. Debate on Democracy in China and political initiatives for the freedom of Tibet. Speakers. Olivier DUPUIS, European Deputy and RP Secretary, Jacques LEFEVRE, president of the PSC group at the European Parliament, Henri SIMONS, city-planning councillor of the council of Brussels (Ecolo) and Alain DE STEXHE, PRL Deputy.
* "L'Afrique du Sud ne veut pas choisir entre les deux Chines" by Frederic CHAMBON, in Le Monde, August 27. Article on the South African position in the "due Cine" written by Le Monde's correspondent in Johannesburg.
* "Talking Back to China", editorial of The Wall Street Journal, August 23. An interesting editorial from the prestigious economic newspaper on the relationship between China and Taiwan with several Asian and European countries.
* "Fischer Plays Down Right Abuses in Tibet", by Stephen HUTCHEON, in the Sydney Morning Herald, August 29. First reactions on the controversial visit of the Dalai Lama in Australia on next month's agenda. The Australian First Vice Minister, FISCHER, defending the sino-australian economic relations, stressed how Peking has been contributing to the development of social conditions in the Himalayas, despite the falsehood of people like Richard GERE, who affirms that the Chinese authorities are completely responsible for the tragic situation in Tibet.
"Freedom for Tibet" stickers with the colors of the Tibetan flag, conceived to be pasted on the back windows of cars (but even for other use), are now available. They are available in 8 languages and in two sizes.
- Languages: English, French, Italian, Dutch, German, Spanish, Hungarian and Croation.
- Size 35 X 9 cm. "Freedom for Tibet"
Advised selling price: USD 1.30 - 2 DEM
Price per 100 items: USD 107 - 160 DEM
Price per 1000 items: USD 930 - 1.400 DEM
- Size 10 X 13 cm. "Free Tibet"
Adviced selling price: USD 0,70 - 1 DEM
Price per 100 items: USD 50 - 75 DEM
Price per 1000 items: USD 430 - 650 DEM
For orders more than the fixed amount, other prices will be determined. TRP office in Brussels: Tel:32-2-2304121; Fax:32-2-2303670 / 284.91.97 - 98.