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Boselli Michele - 17 settembre 1996
Karadzic Votes!


sommario: il rifugiato bosniaco Kemura e sua moglie non possono votare (vedi suo recente testo). In compenso pero' ha potuto tranquillamente votare il criminale di guerra Karadzic, sotto il naso di un generale occidentale che per usare un eufemismo ha scrollato le spalle, insomma se n'e' sbattuto le... la rima... ecco di seguito lo scoop della televisione svizzera. Segue l'ambigua posizione del Dipartimento di Stato americano. E subito dopo la notizia OMRI che riprende un lancio AFP. E infine ricordo che in conf babel raccogliamo le corrispondenze del New York Times, Los Angeles Times (by L.Giannini), Washington Post, The Guardian, Le Monde, BBC, VOA, CNN, TV5, RTBF e molti altri... e se qualche italiano volonteroso volesse metterci anche il Corsera...


Karadzic Votes!

Swiss television reported yesterday that the OSCE had confirmed that Radovan Karadzic voted in the September 14th election at between 14:00 and 15:00 hours Sarajevo time. When asked by a reporter from Swiss television why Mr. Karadzic had not been arrested when he showed up to vote, General Michael Walker first stated that there were no IFOR soldiers at the polling place. When further questioned he simply shrugged his shoulders.


Karadzic's Right to Vote: State Department Position

Washington -- The Office of the Spokesman of the State Department released the following question taken September 12 on the eligibility of Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, under indictment by the War Crimes Tribunal, to vote in the September 14 Bosnia and Herzegovina elections:



Q: Are Karadzic and Mladic allowed to vote in the election?

A: The OSCE has determined that Karadzic and Mladic, as well as the others indicted by the Tribunal, are eligible to vote in Saturday's election.

Until convicted of war crimes, such individuals would retain full human and civil rights, including the right to vote.

Their right to vote does not diminish our determination to see all those indicted by the Tribunal brought to justice at The Hague.

IFOR will detain someone indicted by the Tribunal if its soldiers come into contact with that person in the course of duty and if the commander on the ground determines that the tactical situation permits detention.

Source Voice of America


KARADZIC VOTES IN PALE. Bosnian Serb war crimes suspect Radovan Karadzic voted in the Bosnian elections in a polling station outside Pale on 14 September, AFP reported. His voting has embarrassed the UN and IFOR, whose commander Adm. Joseph Lopez said he did not know of any reports that any IFOR soldiers had seen Karadzic. Lt. Gen. Michael Walker, the commander of the NATO ground troops, said the IFOR mandate is not to seek out war criminals.

-- Daria Sito Sucic

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