Mr Marino Busdachin
Transnational Radical Party
Representative to the United Nations
866 UN Plaza, New York, NY
Your Mr. Busdachin:
In the absence of Archibishop Renato R. Martino, Permanent Observer
of the Holy See to the United Nations, I am writing to thank you for your letter of 2 October, which included a copy of "No Peace Without justice".
It appears that a great deal of work has been accomplished, as this
preparatory meeting of the International Crimninal Court cpmes to an end.
Hopefully, the Court will become a reality and be empowered to do the work for which it has been mandated.
I avail my self of this opportunity to renew to you sir, the assurance
of my high consideration.
Msgr. David Malloy
Charge' d'Affaires a.i.
Mission of the Holy See