Yesterday on October 18, 1996 at 15.00 in Kyiv in the room of Arts' library took place the press-conference of Ukrainian Association of Amnesty International. Press-conference was dedicate for AI campaigns for China all over the World and in Ukraina, and also for actions of Amnesty International for establishing of International Criminal Court.
For participating in the press-conference was invited Alexander Kostritskiy - coordinator of Transnational Radical party in Ukraina. He informed about RP campaigns for Tibet and ICC. Materials about subscribers of Appeal for the Tribunal, of Appeal for Nobel Prize for Wei, and of Appeal to UN General Secretary for receiving of H. H. Dalai Lama, in progress, was presented for the representatives of mass media.
In the press-conference was present 6 journalists of biggest Ukrainian publishing editions.
At the end of press-conference all participators and guests signed the Post Card for immediate release of Panchen Lama and his parents, and the Appeal to UN General Secretary for receiving of H. H. Dalai Lama. Besides this, the activists of Ukrainian Association of Amnesty International express their willingness to support the initiatives of Radical party on Tibet and ICC, what could essentially increase the RP's influence in some Ukrainian regions.