Oct. 28, 1996
Statement by Professor Dr. Gerhard HAFNER
Mr. Chairman,
[...] I therefore cannot but reiterate this interest and the sentiment of urgency in this matter. My delegation appreciate the progress achieved during the session of the Ad Hoc Committee and the two sessions of the Preparatory Committee. Despite the complexity of the matter and the difficulties the latter Committee faced in the elaboration of new texts cannot deny that substantial progress was made which would brings us to a widely, if not even generally acceptable instrument on which the ICC eventually could be based. In light of this progress we endorse the view that the convening of a Conference Plenipotentiaries in the next future is possible although certain further preparatory work would still be necessary. But we don't think that a clean text which has resolved all major issue and needs only its adoption at the conference can be expected before we proceed to the Conference. For we have to keep in mind that the States would not yet be willing to give their final consent to a text which still has to be
submitted to a Conference. And it is quite clear that the major concessions will be made only at the very last moment of the Conference by means of a package deal. To expect this before the Conference starts is unrealistic and can be interpreted by the public opinions as an attempt to postpone, if not to obstruct the establishment of the Court. Therefore, my delegation is of the view that the Conference should be held as soon as possible after the completion of the work of the Preparatory Committee which is envisaged for April 1998. Consequently, my delegation favors a convening of the Conference still in 1998. And we are convinced that we find ourselves in consonance with a great number of other delegations.
In this respect, me delegation welcomes with deep appreciation the offer of the Italian government to host this Conference. [...]