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Notizie Radicali, il giornale telematico di Radicali Italiani
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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Conferenza Partito radicale
Partito Radicale Radical Party - 29 ottobre 1996

Oct. 28, 1996

Statement by Ms.Halimah Ismail Representative of Malaysia

Mr. Chairman,

My delegation acknowledges the fact that the momentum to establish the International Criminal Court must be maintained. In this regard, we support the proposal of the Preparatory Committee to convene further meetings in order for delegations to undertake the necessary discussions and deliberations relating to their concerns and reservations on the Draft Statute. While it is useful for a time-frame to be indicated in which the work of the Preparatory Committee should be finalized, my delegation would like to emphasize that some flexibility should be afforded in the event no universally acceptable Draft Statute for an International Criminal Court is achieved by the indicates period. This is in view of the fact that delegations would be dealing with a range of diverse and complex issues. Additionally, it is also important for delegations to secure the universal acceptance of the Statute to establishment the International Criminal Court to ensure its effectiveness and authority.

Mr. Chairman,

My delegation in principle could support the organization of the forthcoming work of the Preparatory Committee as contained in its Report, in particular, the emphasis to allow the widest possible participation of States and, more importantly, to secure the universality of the convention. With such emphasis clearly in mind, my delegation believes that States would and should be further encouraged to continue to work positively and in the spirit of cooperation towards the resolution of their differences and concerns and finally towards the establishment of the International Criminal Court.

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