Statement by H.E. Mr. Hisashi Owada Permanent representative of Japan
Mr. Chairman,
[...] As I indicated at the outset, while we all agree that the establishment of an ICC is an urgent as well lofty goal to achieve in order to ensure the rule of law in the community of mankind, we should also remain alert to the fact that there are as yet numerous hard problems to crack on our way to the creation of an international criminal court that can function truly effectively and attain our purposes with cooperation of all States.
In its final report the Preparatory Committee states that it would be feasible to consider holding a conference in 1998, with nine weeks of preparatory work. My delegation agrees that if the convergence of views is established on the possible solution to the problems that I have described, in accordance with the proposed schedule, a diplomatic conference could be convened to adopt the draft statutes as a treaty. We have to be cautious about convening such a conference while major problems are still outstanding, since that would make their solution even more difficult and could jeopardize the success of the conference.
My delegation offers its pledge that Japan will make its best efforts to contribute to the final resolution of these problems, so that a truly effective international criminal court may be established to bring about a better world in which justice will prevail for all humankind.