Message-ID: <961029104805_100407.1303_BHG87-1@CompuServe.COM>
Madrid, 29.10.1996
Asunto: Informacion sobre proceso a Pinochet, y otros, ante Audiencia Nacional de Espana por genocidio (interior) y terrorismo (interior e internacional).
De: Equipo director tecnico de las partes personadas en el proceso.
Se acompanan los siguientes documentos:
- I. articulo publicado el 25.X.1996 en DIARIO 16 (Espana),
- II. articulo publicado el 25.X.1996 en diario EL PAIS (Espana),
- III. articulo publicado el 25.X.1996 en el INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE,
(Madrid 25-10-96)
"El juez de la Audiencia Nacional Garcia-Castellon
admite la personacion de mas de 2.000 asesinados
durante la dictadura.
"Solo es el comienzo de la investigacion pero la voluntad del juez Manuel Garcia-Castellon es clara y sincera. El pasado martes, el titular del Juzgado Central de Instruccion numero 6 de la Audiencia Nacional dicto una providencia en la que admite como acusacion contra el general Augusto Pinochet a los familiares de casi 2.000 ejecutados durante la dictadura chilena, segun la resolucion judicial en poder de este periodico.
"En el proceso abierto por la Justicia espanola para depurar responsabilidades por los crimenes y atrocidades cometidos por el regimen militar chileno entre 1973 y 1990, el juez Garcia-Castellon ha aceptado ya como acusaciones a la Agrupacion de Familiares de Detenidos-Desaparecidos (mas de 1.000 personas fueron secuestradas y oficialmente 'desaparecidas'), a los familiares de los espanoles asesinados o desaparecidos, a numerosos particulares y, ahora, a los familiares de ejecutados (cerca de dos millares).
"La investigacion emprendida en agosto por la Audiencia Nacional unicamente habia sido precedida por otra del juez Baltasar Garzon contra los militares de la dictadura argentina, en lo que se ha considerado como una de las pocas posibilidades de cercar a los responsables de las dictaduras en Latinoamerica, quienes en sus paises siguen, muchos de ellos, amparandose en una total impunidad.
"En el caso de Chile, la apertura del procedimiento se produjo tras una denuncia presentada por la Union Progresista de Fiscales contra Augusto Pinochet Ugarte, los mandos militares Gustavo Leigh Guzman, Cesar Mendoza Duran, Jose Toribio Merino Castro (estos dos ultimos fallecieron posteriormente a la presentacion de la denuncia), y otros responsables de la represion.
"Una de las novedades de la investigacion estriba en que el juez no se limita a reconocer como acusacion a familiares de espanoles, sino que incrementa las personaciones a todos los desaparecidos y asesinados independientemente de su nacionalidad.
"Expertos juristas reconocen que todas las leyes y convenios internacionales amparan a los jueces espanoles en sus pesquisas, pero tambien recuerdan que el proceso puede ser "duro y larguisimo".
"La Union Progresista de Fiscales (UPF) acusa a Pinochet y los suyos de genocidio, terrorismo, detencion ilegal con posterior desaparicion y sustraccion de menores (ninos nacidos en cautiverio de madres secuestradas, asesinadas o desaparecidas que posteriormente fueron adoptados ilegalmente).
"Amnistia Internacional ha iniciado una campana para que los espanoles envien misivas al ministro de Asuntos Exteriores, Abel Matutes, y a la ministra de Justicia, Margarita Mariscal, instandoles a tomar las medidas diplomaticas y judiciales necesarias para esclarecer las desapariciones o muertes de seis espanoles durante la dictadura del general Pinochet".
(hasta aqui articulo de DIARIO 16)
Diario EL PAIS
(Madrid, 25-oct-96)
"Amnistia Internacional (AI) pide a las autoridades espanolas que presionen a las chilenas para esclarecer el asesinato o desaparicion de seis espanoles durante la dictadura militar en ese pais, entre ellos el funcionario de la ONU Carmelo Soria. AI solicito el martes al presidente de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Chile que rechace el cierre definitivo de cientos de procesos por desaparicion o muerte, ocurridos entre septiembre de 1973 y marzo de 1978. El pleno de la Corte Suprema chilena analizara esta peticion hoy.
"Ninguno de los seis casos de desaparicion o muerte de ciudadanos espanoles ha sido sometido a juicio en Chile, por lo que AI ha iniciado una campana de peticion de cartas dirigidas a los ministros de Exteriores y Justicia espanoles en las que se pida la intervencion activa de Espana ante Chile para aclarar las circunstancias de esas muertes. En este sentido, AI recuerda que el Senado espanol creo en 1982 una comision de investigacion sobre la desaparicion de subditos espanoles en paises de America Latina. La comision califico entonces estos casos, entre los que se incluia el asesinato de Carmelo Soria, de crimenes contra la humanidad, y asi lo ratifico el pleno del Congreso por mayoria".
(hasta aqui articulo de EL PAIS)
(Paris, Tokyo, New York, etc. 25.X.1996)
"By Marlise Simons
"New York Times
"Madrid.- Almost every day, Esperanza Labrador needs to unlock her grief and rage by crying a little. Even though her husband and two sons were killed 20 years ago, it has been hard for her to accept that they are dead and their killers are free. Then there are the words that haunt her from the day the Argentine military handed over two of the three bodies: "This has been a regrettable mistake."
"Today, Mrs. Labrador, a fragile woman of 74, lives in her native Spain. But the decimation of her family took place in Rosario, Argentina, in 1976, when the Argentine military was fighting leftist insurgents, and, in the process, sometimes kidnapping and killing innocent civilians.
"After two decades of silence, she has at last been able to tell her story where she feels it belongs, before a judge in court.
"Many others like her have also been heard.
"Last month, a federal judge in Spain opened a criminal investigation into the torture, disappearance, and killing of 320 Spanish citizens in Argentina during the military and police officers in the case and wants to interrogate them in Spain or in Argentina. Among them are the members of three successive military juntas, intelligence chiefs, commanders of clandestine jails, and even doctors who are said to have attended torture sessions.
"A parallel investigation focuses on the abduction of 54 children of the Spanish victims who remain missing. Some babies born in prison reportedly were registered as children of military and police officers.
"The Madrid judge, Baltasar Garzon, has invoked international law to argue that "crimes against humanity," like the ones he is pursuing in this case, can be tried any where and are not subject to any time limit.
"Legal scholars describe the investigations as the largest case of peacetime human rights abuses in which a court in one nation has claimed jurisdiction over events in another.
"Experts at the United Nations Tribunal on War Crimes in The Hague said the legal arguments made by the judge would be widely seen as valid and have been applied in the pursuit of Nazi criminals.
"But the politics involved pose different problems.
"There is little chance of an immediate trial because Spanish law forbids trying a suspect in absentia, and Argentina is not likely to extradite any of its citizens.
"'We are not quite sure how this will evolve because it is a test case" said a spokesman at Spain's Foreign Ministry, which is responsible for passing the judge's summons to Argentina.
"Judge Garzon said he does not expect any of the Argentine suspects that he has summoned to appear in Madrid, but in an interview he said he intended to proceed, using evidence from witnesses and documents.
"We are still at an early stage," he said. "Where appropriate, we will issue arrest warrants, which will then become international arrest warrants." Under these warrants the accused would risk arrest if they traveled outside Argentina.
"An Argentine government spokesman said that no official notice in the case had yet been received from Spain. He said the question was "legally very complex" and had already been debated in the Argentine cabinet. Several former military commanders have also sought legal advice on how this would affect their travel abroad.
"But Alicia Pierini, Argentina's undersecretary for human rights, has made it clear that her government will not cooperate because, she said, "a foreign court has no jurisdiction over events that took place on Argentine soil."
"Between 9.000 and 30.000 people are believed to have been illegally imprisoned and secretly executed by the Argentine security forces during their campaign against the leftists. Because the military leaders of that time were tried in 1985 and 1986, imprisoned, and the pardoned in 1989 by the current president, Carlos Saul Menem, Argentina says the chapter is closed.
"It is far from closed to people like Mrs. Labrador.
"The killers have destroyed our lives," she said. "Like us, they must be obliged to live with the memory of the dead and the missing.
"We need at least a minimum of justice."
"The investigation by Judge Garzon, Spain's best-known magistrate, came in response to a complaint filed in March by several Spanish groups, among them a lawyers' association and an association of prosecutors, as well as the United Left political party.
"It took Judge Garzon more than five months to conclude that a Spanish court could have jurisdiction in the case. Since then, he has set up a 14-man special police team to coordinate the search for information.
"He said that several prominent Argentines had promised to cooperate, among them Adolfo Perez Esquivel, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1980, and Julio Cesar Strassera, the principal prosecutor of the Argentine military commanders at the 1985 trials. Four former military officers have also said they will testify anonymously".
(hasta aqui articulo del INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE)
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