Oct.28, 1996
Mr. Chairman,
[...] It is clear from foregoing that my delegation believes that the PREPCOM has faithfully carried out the mandate entrusted to it by resolution 50/46. We, therefore, reiterate our strong support for the renewal and broadening of the mandate of the PREPCOM to enable it to concentrate on the negotiations of proposals with a view to producing an acceptable draft for submission to a Diplomatic Conference. In addition, the preparatory Committee's mandate should be reaffirmed with specific directions for it to organize its work so that it delivers the final product by April 1998.
We further support the recommendation for a Diplomatic Conference to be held in 1998, and call upon the General Assembly to demonstrate the commitment of the international community to the establishment of the ICC by clearly and unequivocally setting 1998 as a date for the convocation of the Plenipotentiaries Conference to finalize and adopt the convention on the establishment of an International Criminal Court. [...]