Oct. 28, 1996
Statement by H.E. Mrs. Annette des Iles
Mr. Chairman,
[...] Many areas of concern to the Member States of CARICOM were ventilated during the two sessions of the Preparatory Committee. We
are of the view that progress has been made in advancing the work on
the establishment of an International Criminal Court and that there
is growing commitment by the international community to the Court.
We, therefore, strongly recommend that the General Assembly at this Session reaffirm the mandate of the Preparatory Committee to enable
it to complete its task and fix a date for the convening of the Diplomatic Conference. While our preference would be for a Conference
in 1997, we note the conclusions of the Preparatory Committee that it should meet three or four times up to a total of nine weeks in order
to organize its work so that it will finalize a consolidated text in April of 1998.
Many practical proposals to address the deficiencies and inadequacies contained in the ILC draft Statute are now on the table for our consideration. They must be examined in order to ensure that all essential elements are incorporated into an acceptable consolidates
text. WE do not believe, however, that all the issues can be solved within the Preparatory Committee. Some, especially those of a political
nature, are best left to a Conference of Plenipotentiaries. [...]
Mr. Chairman,
CARICOM Member States remain convinced of the urgent need for the establishment of an International Criminal Court, which would serve
as a deterrent to the commission of the most serious violations of international criminal law and international humanitarian law, and
would ensure that those responsible are brought to justice. The International community has made a number of attempts to create an International Criminal Court. A permanent International Criminal Court
is long overdue. CARICOM Member States will continue to work assiduously towards the successful completion of the current deliberations at the level of the Preparatory Committee, and towards the goal of the convening of a Conference of Plenipotentiaries for the establishment of an International Criminal Court in 1998.