Oct. 28, 1996
Statement by Mr. Abdulkadir Jailani
Mr. Chairman,
[...] In accordance wit General Assembly resolution 50/46, the
Preparatory Committee considered the major issues of the draft
statute of the ILC, taking into account the views of Member
States. These deliberations have yielded some progress but
much more remains to be done. In order to ensure an effective
judicial mechanism requires the widest acceptabilit of Member
States. There are many critical issues which need to be
explored in greater depth to achieve consensus. [...]
Finally, Mr. Chairman, my delegation believes it is critical
for the Preparatory Committee to continue its important
deliberations on those issues which we have yet to reach
agreement on. The Preparatory Committee should complete its
work before the convening of the Diplomatic Conference which
is planned to take place in 1998. Indonesia on its part stands
ready to cooperate in these endeavors.