Oct. 31, 1996
Statement by Ambassador J.Enkhsaikhan
Mr. Chairman,
[...] The position of Mongolia on this question has always been clear.
As our Prime Minister has specifically pointed out in his address at
the general debate in the General Assembly on 1 October of this year, "Mongolia...supports the creation of an International Criminal Court".
[...] The Mongolian delegation supports the recommendation of the Preparatory Committee to meet three up to a total of nine weeks before the diplomatic conference is convened to finalize its work by April 1998. We share the view that it is realistic and feasible to regard the holding of a diplomatic conference of plenipotentiaries in 1998. My delegation believes that the Committee, building upon the important work already accomplished during its spring and fall sessions, will be able to produce a widely acceptable consolidated text of a convention for the ICC in order to strengthen the institutional basis for preventing the preparation of international crimes and thus contributing to the maintenance of international peace and stability as well as to upholding justice and the rule of law worldwide.