Oct. 31, 1996
Statement by Ms. Cate Steains
Mr. Chairman,
[...] My delegation strongly supports the conclusions and recommendations of the Preparatory Committee, which represent an important compromise for all delegations that participated in the work of the Committee. We accept that further preparatory work is necessary on several of the major issues, and endorse the Preparatory Committee's recommendations in this respect. we believe, however, that it would be unrealistic to expect to have all major issues resolved prior to the convening of a Diplomatic Conference. Clearly there are certain issues that, in all likelihood, can only be resolved at the stage of the Diplomatic Conference. My delegation therefore looks forward to the convening of a Diplomatic Conference in 1998, and in this connection we join with other delegations in expressing our deep gratitude to the Italian Government for its generous offer to host the Diplomatic Conference in June 1998. we strongly support the Preparatory Committee's recommendations with respect to the future work plan, including
the allocation of six weeks of meeting time in 1997. [...]