Nov. 1, 1996
Statement by the representative of the R.F.
Mr. Chairman,
[...] The Russian Federation consistently supports the establishment of a permanent international criminal court.
We are in favour of establishing such a court on the basis of a universal international legal instrument. We believe that its jurisdiction should include the most dangerous international crimes: aggression, genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and most serious terrorist acts affecting the interest of the whole international community.
We support the establishment of an independent court, but at the same time, this court should be closely related to the United Nations. One of the elements of this interrelation, in our view, should be the provision of an opportunity for the Security Council acting under Chapter VII of the UN Charter to transmit to the court the appropriate situations. This is the only way to make the court alternative to the establishment for new ad hoc tribunals.
With regard to the dates of the conference we would like to state as follows. It is not much important for us when, a year earlier or a year later, such a conference will be held or convened. It apparently implies the near future. It is far more essential to ensure the drafting and adoption by large by a large consensus of such constituent documents which would be fairly soon universally endorsed by the States and hence, an historic step forward would be made at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries: a standing body of international criminal justice will be established which will have the right to act on behalf on the entire international community with a view to effectively and impartially ensuring an international legal order, international peace, security and protection of human rights.
The Russian Federation is willing to contribute into this work.
Thank you.