Nov. 1, 1996
Statement by Mr. Cristiano dos Santos Representative of the Rep. of Mozambique
Mr. Chairman,
[...] While recognizing and emphasizing the usefulness of the work done by the Preparatory Committee, in the view of mu delegation, there is sill an urgent need to continue seeking a broad consensus on some of the issues raised in the report before us, in order to allow a rapid and fruitful consideration of the Statute of the ICC by a plenipotentiary conference.
Hence, we fully concur with the conclusions and recommendations submitted by the Preparatory Committee in its report from paragraph 366 to 370, for we are confident that in reaffirming and broadening its mandate, the Preparatory Committee will be able to accomplish successfully its work within the proposed time limit, in order to allow the holding of a diplomatic conference of plenipotentiaries devoted to establishing the ICC.
In this regard, my delegation would like to express its appreciation to the government of Italy for its offer to host the Diplomatic Conference in 1998.
Thank you!