Albanian president to the speech made in Regional Southeast informal Summit of Skopje declared that the last political developing in Serbia elections should be considered as votes against isolation and as the first positive step towards positive future.
"Presence of old structures is evident in Serbia and this do complicate the situation" has said Mejdani expressing His scepticism in front of a new Federation. Albanian president has reconfirmed once more his prognosis for the foundation of two new entities as Montenegro and Kosovo integrated directly into European Union.
Rexhep Mejdani Republic President speaking about Kosovo situation into Southeast Europe Summit in Skopje, has declared that the 28 October local and first democratic elections and the next year general elections will be decisive in the way which should follow Kosovo towards self administration and self-determination.
"The definitive stable political Kosovo solution would be the one which would be in accordance with Kosovo people will and the international convent of a Sovran Entity foundation on behalf of European integration" has said Mejdani.
The Albanian president has said that Albanian state is very decided to play its decisive role for implementation of programs and regional politics. According to Albanian president the Stability Pact seems a good beginning for fulfilling short-term project for passing later on long term projects.
"The foundation of free zones for free trades and commerce, gradual process of a common legislation and unification of customs would send towards a common trade of regional countries and would create a very important moment for Balkan countries integration with European countries - has said Mejdani.