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Notizie Radicali, il giornale telematico di Radicali Italiani
cerca [dal 1999]

i testi dal 1955 al 1998

gio 13 feb. 2025
[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Conferenza Partito radicale
Partito Radicale Artur - 6 novembre 2000
German minister in Tirana
President Rexhep Mejdani met with Christoph Zöpel, state minister in the German Foreign Ministry, on Thursday 2 November in Tirana. Mejdani informed the minister about recent reforms in the Albanian economy, legislation and politics, stressing the prospects of favourable results that could lead to a more rapid negotiation for the Association and Stabilization Agreement that would allow Albanian membership in the European Union (EU).

Zöpel expressed his personal support and the support of Germany for the integration of all of southeast Europe into the European Union. "Only the elimination of borders by means of such integration can prevent regional conflicts," declared Zöpel.

Montenegrins in court

Montenegrin citizens Milan Milic, Rodovan Bokojovic and Ranko Kejezevic were arrested by Albanian polices while illegally transporting 17 Albanians towards the Italian coast. A court in the northern Albanian city of Shkodra set an indefinite prison sentence for the three Montenegrins, accusing them illegal trafficking and border crossing. The Albanian citizens involved have been sentenced to reporting twice a week to tribunal police.

Greece denies entry to Kurds

Greek police refused to allow 24 Kurds to return to Greece after they were expelled by Albanian police. For the first time in recent experience, Greek police authorities at the Albanian-Greek border crossing of Kakavija refused to allow the Kurds to enter Greece, from where they had originally crossed into Albanian territory.

Albanian police authorities told reporters their documents clearly showed that the country of origin of these illegal Kurdish immigrants was, in fact, Greece.

Albanians detained

On Thursday 2 November, Greek police brought 401 Albanian immigrants by force to the Kakavija police checkpoint at the Albanian-Greek border. According to Albanian police, these Albanian immigrants to Greece were in possession of valid documents but had been detained in Athens, Patria and others Greek cities, although they were not tortured or mistreated.

The same police sources report that this is the largest number of Albanian immigrants to have been detained since the recent local Albanian elections. Albanian immigrants have told reporters that they were detained for three to four days at Greek police stations, and afterwards were brought by bus to the Kakavija border control.

Last week, an Albanian citizen was been killed by Greek police while trying to cross the border into Greece

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