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Partito Radicale Artur - 17 gennaio 2001
Initiative of certain deputies to create a new group finalized at last

Noka and Bushati competing for leader

By Armando Meta

TIRANA - The initiative of a group of deputies to create a new Parliamentary Group is said to be finalized on January 18th. Most part of the said group met yesterday in the Parliament so as to settle the final issues. The deputies participating in the meeting were the DP deputies Genc Pollo, Ferdinand Xhaferri, Tritan Shehu, Leonard Demi, Ylli Vejsiu, Leonard Noka, the United Right deputies Fatbardh Hushi and Nexhat Kalaj, the Republican deputy Sabri Godo, the Christian-Democrat Zef Bushati. The new parliamentary Group had also the deputies Maks Cikuli (DP) Guri Durollari (Royalist) and is expected to grow bigger as democrat deputies and independents have stated their will to join the group.

Yesterday's meeting dealt with settling issues brought up by the United Right deputies Hushi and Kalaj, as well as the Christian-Democrat Bushati, who had asked for more details about the group's objectives while approaching the new general election. The three above mentioned did not decide to sign to join the group, which they are expected to do today.

Noka and Bushati candidates to lead the group

Reliable sources informed that the democrat deputy Leonard Noka or the Christian-Democrat, Zef Bushati might become the group leader. the latter is actually the leader of the Center Right Parliamentary Group. In case Bushati accepts to join the Group, the Center Right will cease to be a Parliamentary Group, as it will have less than the required 5 members.

Xhaferri: Group will make a constructive opposition

The democrat deputy Xhaferri stated that the new group is going to be welcomed by a number of other right-wing deputies and known personalities.

He stated that the time would not be short until the election, considering Berisha's and his followers' performance in the Parliament. He believed that time was proper to present a constructive opposition, with a proper reputation to claim power. Xhaferri stated that Godo had welcomed the new group and was willing to co-operate.

Opposition Parliamentary leader comments creation of new Group

Gjana: We are indifferent to new Group

By Armando Meta

TIRANA - The opposition Parliamentary Group leader, Jemin Gjana, believed that the creation of the new parliamentary group from former democrat deputies was not going to take away from DP's political struggle in the Parliament. Gjana ruled out that it brought a further fragmentarization of the opposition, which would make DP weaker on the eve of the general election. He continued that the new group would bring in nothing valuable to this Parliament in these six months left until the election.

Gjana argued that the former democrat deputies had not been in the same line with the DP's group even earlier. He confirmed that no other changes will take place. As defined in the Parliament's regulation, DP's group had collected its members' signatures.

Arbnori: We are not going to co-operate with the new Group

DP's Secretary for Public Relations Pjeter Arbnori appeared indifferent to the new initiative. He remarked that it all complied with the law and the right of any deputies to move out or in new groups. However, he stressed that it was thanks to DP that they had entered the Parliament. Considering the matter at issue a process of division, Arbnori ruled out any chances of co-operation with them. He added that the new group could not be said to be co-operating with the ruling majority, but the facts proved it anyway.

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