In a report by Erisa Zykaj titled "PE: Without peace of Kosovo there will be no peace in the Region" "TEMA" newspaper between others says:
Kosovo's case has been yesterday on the center of debates of the emergency cases in European Parliament. The Deputies have approved one common resolution with two amendments proposed by Group of Independent deputies known as Deputies of the Bonnino List.
At the common resolution the euro deputies confirm their disquietude in front of attacks made by Albanians in region of Presheve in South Serbia and call Albanians to reply positively to a Plan made by Serbian Government, which want to send a negotiation's delegation for finding a peaceful solution.
Olivier Dupuis, Transnational radical party secretary, who is the ideator of the two amendments has insisted in front of his colleagues for approving the first amendment that says concretely: the maintaining in Serbian prisons of 700 Kosovo Albanians who have been taken away violently by military and paramilitary Serbian Forces during their withdrawal from Kosovo is totally unlawful.
At the other hand the mix Group of the independent deputies, by the second amendment, which is the logic and political continuance of the first one, demand by Council of EU and European Commission to make the possible for forcing Belgrade authorities to an immediate, transferring of the Serbia's prison Albanian into UNMIK authorities competence and hands.
Dupuis when by his speech has underlined determinately the importance of such transferring of Kosovo Albanians prisoners into UNMIK hands in accordance with UNSC resolute 1244, which is the only solution on Kosovo status accepted by International Community. Dupuis by this speech and the importance of such political necessary acts has contradicted frankly the Commissioner Solbes, who beyond the critics on his approach in relation with the case has submitted other critics for coming late in the session.