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Partito Radicale Artur - 15 marzo 2001

Xhaferi is different from other leaders for his clear vision, foresight and his cool-headed action and judgment. His politics in Macedonia since 1994 when he came back from Kosovo were always a politics of argument and counter argument without the wordiness or demagogy present among our politicians.

By Shkelzen Maliqi

March 11, 2001

World-reknowned analysts as Janusz Bugajski recommended an urgent joint statement of all Albanian leaders, regarding the developments after the emerging of the National Liberation Army in Macedonia. Points of this recommendation are:

1. Declaring against all kind violence and provocation of new wars which means the denouncing of the damage that militant circles bring to the Albanian issue;

2. Insisting on Kosovo's independence as a pre-condition for achieving security and stability in the region and

3. Acknowledgement of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro's territorial integrity so the world could see that Albanians do not have territorial claims toward the neighboring states.

Bugajski's recommendation includes the specter of realistic and pragmatic aspirations of Albanians, which have to center first of all on Kosovo's independence as a reachable aim, which would have support from the international community. They must abandon the idea of liberating other Albanian lands in Macedonia, Presevo valley and Montenegro. This second objective cannot be fulfilled: it can only bring negative consequences to the realistic objective meaning Kosovo's independence.

There can be no doubt as to what Bugajski said has been said in many local statements and analyses, and that it has the support of the majority of Albanians wherever they live. Only a minority, the militant part, supports the idea of joining all Albanian lands with all means possible. Even though there have been no polls, the position of the majority cannot be doubted. Albanians have their own representatives who were elected democratically, who have the mandate to formulate a joint historic interest with the urgency of the critical moment. This interest cannot be formulated and imposed by militant groups even if they think that they are protecting the front lines of patriotism.

Unfortunately, until now, all efforts at articulating a clear national interest have failed. There were some initiatives, however they could not be realized because of the division among political leaders and parties. This especially counts for the two main scenes, Albania and Kosovo, from where most of the dividing impulses are beie

There are only two ways to get to the stage where all contacts are blocked on the issue of consultation of all Albanian priorities and clear declarations for the national interest in harmony with good intentions from the world. The first possibility is that this be called for by an international factor, i.e. the US.

No matter how shameful the sycophancy of the leadership towards the superpowers (sycophancy towards the powerful is a sign of tyrannical aspirations ignoring dependence: another proof that the people here do not deserve this leadership). At the last instance this would be the last measure for forcing Albanians to choose a realistic course regarding the adventurous radical circles.

The other possibility is a joint declaration that would be ensured from the leader who for the moment is most respected and least contested. It is not only my personal belief but this theory is among many Albanians and internationals that the person in question is Arben Xhaferi, PDSH Chairman. Being the main figure in Macedonia in a role which is not contested by his opponents, Xhaferi has the chance to take the role of the person that would send a formal invitation for a national consultation. Among many important agenda's of this consultation would be a stance on the current crisis and a declaration of sovereignty and the way of realizing full rights for the Albanians in Macedonia.

Xhaferi is different from other leaders for his clear vision, foresight and his cool-headed action and judgment. His politics in Macedonia since 1994 when he came back from Kosovo were always a politics of argument and counter argument without the wordiness or demagogy present among our politicians. He and his associates did not hesitate even after threats, when it was necessary to convince his opponents step by step to advance the Albanian position in Macedonia. Xhaferi and his associates proved that in Macedonia an alternative politics could be formed against the narrow-minded politics of Gligorov. There can be cooperation between Albanians and Macedonians based on the repressive conditions set by the Macedonians. A political and psychological change has occurred: Macedonians cannot choose the Albanian that they want as a "partner" in the government. However, the Albanians are the ones that will determine which Macedonian politician would be their partner in the government.

Looking from this capacity of a diplomat and visionary on a wider national mission, we wish Arben Xhaferi good health to undertake and realize the start of a national consultation, which would return our pride and ensure the taking of the "wheel" regarding national interests into the hands of those with the mandate and responsibility. Patriots and brave ones should not be offended and disappointed if the Albanian factor comes up with the scolding that now is already being heard from internationals for their unrealistic and hasty actions.

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