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Conferenza Partito radicale
Partito Radicale Artur - 22 marzo 2001
The Olivier Dupuis intervening on debate on Macedonia case.

Beyond the mentioning of the Olivier Dupuis intervening on the European Parliament debate on Macedonia, which made different Albanian media, on March 22 the independent newspaper Tema in it's edition at the first page with the title "European Parliament, debate on Macedonia" and with the subtitle "The first Pro-Albanian voices" publish a report by Erisa Zykaj from Brussels.

Olivier Dupuis: "A decision for dismantling the Macedonian-Slav Nation in order to create a federal State must now be pursued with greater urgency."

"EU funds should go in favor of Tetovo University, otherwise the Albanian students will go on the position of guerrillas."

At the third page with the other title "The war has started since ten years ago in Macedonia" the reporter do says that:

"Olivier Dupuis of the technical independent parliamentarian group has challenged seriously the statements of Ms Lindh, and other socialist and communist euro-deputies, who have spoken of so called "'experience of the Balkans".

"I think - has said Dupuis in his intervening - that what is happening now in Macedonia is proof that we have seen nothing, heard nothing, and learned nothing, or rather that you have seen nothing, heard nothing, and learned nothing."

According to the radical euro-deputy, "what is happening in Macedonia is happening in Macedonia and there is no point to invent alibis and saying that the crisis stems from Kosovo, from the movement of people, of former members of the UCK, towards Macedonia. The crisis in Macedonia is a crisis that has come about and that has been cultivated by the lack of a serious EU policy on Macedonia over the last ten years."

Dupuis called his socialist colleagues to remember the way in which Ms Doris Pack and he himself have insisted continually on the importance of a project that seemed to be marginal, which the socialist and communist colleagues have viewed with condescension:

"I am referring to the project for the University of Tetovo, whose importance was fundamental to respond to one of the reasons for the frustration of the Albanians in Macedonia. We were regarded as people regard 15-year-olds with condescension, when we proposed in this Parliament that the former Yugoslavia should join the European Community as the only way to avoid the explosion that did in fact take place a few years later" said clearly Dupuis.

The Euro Deputy, who is well known as an connoisseur of the Balkans stated that, "the question to be faced is the reason for the frustration of the Albanian population, a frustration which goes back a long way and which was only addressed for the first time when the government of Mr Georgievski came into power.

"During the first eight years of independence in Macedonia, this feeling of frustration was actually cultivated by the Social-Democratic government of Mr. Crvenkovski, who literally bought some Albanians, some quislings, by offering them marginal posts in his government and a few posts as ambassadors here and there.

The government of Mr. Georgievski, on the other hand, has undoubtedly saved Macedonia from disaster by giving government posts to the party of Mr. Arben Xhaferi, who our Socialist colleagues considered to be an extremist - and they had to change their minds when they should call the memories and saw the role Mr. Xhaferi played during the 1999 crisis when hundreds of thousands of Kosovars were driven out of Kosovo by the regime of the war criminal Milosevic.

At that time Macedonia was on the point of exploding; the fact that it did not do so is thanks to the "extremist" Mr. Xhaferi, and the fact that it has still not exploded is thanks mainly to the same Albanian personality of Macedonia, and certainly not thanks to our action, to the action of the European Union."

At the other hand, Mr. Dupuis has expressed his satisfaction that the Commissioner Patten has taken Tetovo University's dossier into his own hands, which, according to radical deputy, is a question that should be resolved and it is extremely urgent in that 6,000 students will have to be moved to the new official University.

"If they are not, they will not be able to graduate, and if this is not done by the end of the year there will be 6,000 desperate people who will further nourish the crisis to which we have contributed so much over the last few years" said literally Dupuis.

Dupuis said that such situation in Macedonia is now even worse because the frustration of the Albanian population which is matched by the growing anxiety of the Macedonian counterpart adding - "So the yesterday's solutions, which might have been progressive, which might have been this University, which might have been a slow process of dismantling the Macedonian-Slav Nation in order to create a federal State, must now be pursued with greater urgency, and we must now also put forward new solutions that go much further to respond both to the feelings of frustration of the Albanians and to the profound anxiety of the Macedonian Slav population".

Dupuis said that with regard to the prevention of conflicts in this context, for ten years we have witnessed an absolutely intolerable behavior on the part of our Greek friends and colleagues. Instead of trying to convince the Greek people of the need to give the Macedonian population, both Albanians and Slavs, an identity by allowing them to use the name "Macedonia", our Greek friends have shamelessly blocked any process that would finally allow the Macedonians to have a Republic called "Macedonia" rather than FYROM.

"It is perhaps time that the Council tried to convince the Greek representative so that this problem can finally be resolved, so that the Macedonians can finally have the right to their own name." Said the radical deputy adding that - this is the situation as things stand at the moment. I believe that it is time to act urgently, to speed things up, and to restore confidence to the whole population of Macedonia, both the Macedonian Slavs and the Albanians.

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