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Partito Radicale Radical Party - 9 aprile 2001
Human Rights Watch: Letter to Maskhadov

Date: Mon, 02 Apr 2001 10:43:47 +0400

From: Human Rights Watch Moscow

Organization: Human Rights Watch - Moscow Office

Subject: Letter to Maskhadov

April 2, 2001

President Aslan Maskhadov

Delivered through the courtesy of Ilyas Akhmedov

Dear President Maskhadov,

I am writing to you to express our deep concern over serious human

rights violations against civilians in Chechnya that have apparently

been carried out by armed forces under your command. These violations

have included direct attacks on individual civilians, and the

circulation of so-called "death lists" containing names of other

civilians who are to be executed. We urge you to take appropriate

measures to ensure an immediate end to these violations.

Human Rights Watch is an independent nongovernmental organization that

monitors compliance with international human rights and humanitarian law

in more than seventy countries around the world. We have documented

violations of international humanitarian law perpetrated by both sides

to the current conflict in Chechnya, but overwhelmingly by Russian

federal forces. This work has culminated in eight reports, which we have

used to urge the international community to hold Russia to its

commitments under international law to respect the principle of civilian

immunity in the armed conflict in Chechnya, to cease abuses, and to hold

their authors accountable.

Human Rights Watch is deeply troubled by a pattern of attacks and

threats-apparently by Chechen forces-on people working for the civilian

administration that was established by the Russian government in 2000.

Throughout the past ten months, more than a dozen such individuals or

their family members have died as a result of these attacks; many more

were wounded.

As you may be aware, international humanitarian law and, in particular,

the 1949 Geneva Conventions, establishes a set of rules for the conduct

of both international and internal conflicts. In the context of the

armed conflict in Chechnya, its provisions apply equally to Russian

government troops and Chechen forces. One of the most fundamental tenets

of the rules of armed conflict is the categorical prohibition of any

direct attack on civilians. Common Article 3 of the 1949 Geneva

Conventions, which deals with internal armed conflicts, states that:

Persons taking no active part in the hostilities, including members of

armed forces who have laid down their arms and those placed hors de

combat by sickness, wounds, detention, or any other cause, shall in all

circumstances be treated humanely, without any adverse distinction

founded on race, color, religion or faith, sex, birth or wealth, or any

other similar criteria.

Common Article 3 continues, "violence to life and person, in particular

murder of all kind. . . are and shall remain prohibited at any time and

in any place whatsoever with respect to the above-mentioned persons."

Cooperation by civilian administrators with the Russian government and

its forces can in no way be construed as taking an "active part in the

hostilities." There can be no doubt that these administrators must

therefore be considered non-combatants, direct attacks against whom are

strictly prohibited by international humanitarian law.

Human Rights Watch is furthermore concerned that the lives of other

Chechens branded as "collaborators" may be in danger. Human Rights Watch

and other human rights organizations have received copies of lists

naming Chechens cooperating with the federal government who have been

sentenced to death by a Shariat court solely for this cooperation.

We urgently call on you to order your forces and take all other measures

to cease the targeting of civilian administrators in Chechnya.

Yours sincerely,

Holly Cartner

Executive Director

Europe and Central Asia division

Human Rights Watch


Diederik Lohman,

Director, Moscow Office

Human Rights Watch

Russian Federation, Moscow 125267, A/Ya 2

Tel: 7 095 250 6852

Fax: 7 095 250 6853



English: http://www.hrw.org

Russian: http://www.hrw.org/russian

Listserv address: To receive Human Rights Watch's press releases on

the Former Soviet Union, send an e-mail message to moscow.office@hrw.ru

with the request to be included in our mailing list.

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