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Notizie Radicali, il giornale telematico di Radicali Italiani
cerca [dal 1999]

i testi dal 1955 al 1998

sab 08 feb. 2025
[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Conferenza Partito radicale
Partito Radicale Radical Party - 9 aprile 2001
(Moscow, April 1 2001)

Adopted by 24 voices with 1 abstention

Open assembly of Russian radicals - members, participants and supporters of the Radical Party, the Antimilitarist Radical Association, Khramov's Club and participants of campaigns of the RP and the ARA, in particular, anti-war and antimilitarist campaigns,

held in Moscow, in the A.D.Sakharov Public Center and Museum "Peace, progress, human rights" on April 1, 2001,

considers that the unconditional priority in activities of Russian radicals in the near future is the anti-war campaign to stop the Chechen war which we regard as irresponsible and criminal adventure of the governing regime in our country. The tasks of this campaign are:

- immediate and without any preliminary conditions beginning of negotiations of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin with the President of the Chechen Republic Ichkeria Aslan Maskhadov, aimed at the cease-fire and removal from the territory of Chechnya of all Russian armed forces and other military or militarized formations;

- to provide immediately unrestricted access and possibility to execute freely their professional duties both in Chechnya and in the territory of neighboring subjects of Federation, to all international, foreign and national humanitarian and human rights organizations as well as the journalists;

- urgent adoption of measures to institute criminal proceedings against not only colonel Budanov but also against all other persons in respect of whom there are bases to believe that they are involved in perpetration in the territory of Chechnya of war crimes and crimes against humanity, about which there are numerous testimonies collected by the human rights organizations, in particular - recently found in Grozny and its vicinities mass burial places of civilians who became victims of tortures and extrajudicial summary executions.

In this connection we insist also on the prompt ratification by the State Duma of the Statute of the International Criminal Court signed by the Russian Federation on September 13 of the last year, and we state that it's necessary to organize in our country a wide civil campaign for ratification by Russia of the Statute of the ICC.

The assembly also draws attention to the fact that the explosions of the autumn of 1999 which became a direct ground for the regime to begin the Second Chechen war, aren't investigated till now.

The assembly attaches great importance to the post-card campaign which was recently launched by the Radical Party and the ARA. Within the framework of this mass campaign the citizens send to the President post-cards "Chechen war is a shame to my country". The assembly calls all radicals together with all other Russian opponents of war to join this campaign in the most active way.

The assembly expresses its support to the nonviolent initiative of zensey Terasava and his comrades who began in Geneva hunger-strike for the establishment of peace in Chechen Republic.

The assembly expresses its support to all Russian conscientious objectors and is convicted that today, in conditions of continuing criminal Chechen war, conscientious objection and affirmation of conscience are not only a constitutional law, but also a civic duty of each young Russian of military age and gender. We state that we are resolute to continue our support and assistance to the conscientious objectors, to promote in every possible way the spread of the practice of conscientious objection / affirmation of conscience.

In this connection, the Assembly considers it necessary to carry out urgent initiatives to prevent the State Duma from adoption of the militarist bill on the alternative civilian service and to support the liberal bill on the ACS submitted by the deputies Ju.Rybakov and Ye.Vorobyov, as an intermediate step to ensure constitutional rights to the conscientious objection in the way of a full abolition of any obligatory service, whether it is military or civilian.

The assembly confirms its commmitment to promote the campaign of the Radical Party and the ARA for the abolition of conscription slavery and transition to professional army and calls to bring to completion the petition campaign "Third millenium without conscription slavery" which was begun in 1999.

The assembly also regards as its priority the campaign of the Radical Party "New status of full autonomy for Tibet within three years or international recognition of the Tibetan government in exile". In this connection we address to all radicals and their supporters, to all friends of Tibet, to all our fellow citizens who believe that human rights have universal character and have no national borders, with the appeal to join the initiative "Flag of Tibet in your city" and to achieve that minimum 10 institutions of local government, or district or regional administration in Russia adopt by the end of June the decision to display Tibetan flags on the buildings of municipalities (administration) as a token of solidarity with the people of Tibet and the above mentioned campaign for full autonomy of Tibet, joining thus more than 60 cities of Europe, where Tibetan flags are already displayed in Town Halls.

The assembly regards as extremely important the campaign begun in February against planned implementation of direct state financing of the political parties from the federal budget and, in more wide aspect, against the antiliberal and antidemocratic draft of the new law "On political parties" which is expected to be examined in the parliament within the next weeks. In this connection the Assembly calls all radicals and democrats to take within the next days the most active participation in the post-card campaign of the Radical Party against state financing of the parties.

The assembly expresses its resolute support to the anticlerical struggle for freedom of scientific research which our Italian comrade Luca Coscioni conducts in extremely difficult conditions. In this connection we consider it important to launch in our country a series of initiatives to protect the secular state, freedom of conscience and constitutional principle of disestablishment of the church, against clerical claims on the part of the leaders of the Moscow Patriarchy - whether it is the attempt of the Russian Orthodox Church to achieve the prohibition of therapeutic cloning and abortions or introduction of practice of transfer by the state of a part of income tax for the benefit of church.

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