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Notizie CORA
Partito Radicale Centro Radicale - 15 luglio 1996

Antiprohibitionist action report * July 15th 1996 - (Year 2) N. 4



| Association of

Radical | the Transnational

Antiprohibitionist | Radical Party

Coordination |


OLD - Observatory of laws

on drugs




European campaign for

the revision of international



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What the drug fighting professional already know (but they do not want to admit) and what people should know:

Prohibitionism has failed (Part III)

In this third part is reported the INCB (International Narcotics Control Board, U.N. body responsible for the administration of the International Conventions on Drugs) analysis on the functioning of the International System of drugs control. We decided to omit everything concerning to the bureaucratic functioning, emphasizing, instead the analysis related to the cultivation and the distribution of the drug substances into the legal market, for medical-scientific goals.


A. Narcotic drugs

5. Abuse of pharmaceutical preparations containing narcotic drugs in Schedule III of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961

59. The Board has been aware of the abuse in certain countries of pharmaceutical preparations containing small amounts of narcotic drugs listed in Schedule III of the 1961 Convention. Such preparations are usually consumed in the form of cough syrup, and codeine is frequently the active ingredient. In some countries, such products can easily be obtained over the counter, without medical prescription. Cross-border smuggling, with ensuing sale in "parallel markets", is also frequent. Apparently some abusers use the cough syrup as a party drink.

6. Trade in poppy seeds

61. The Board is concerned about trade in poppy seeds obtained from opium poppy plants in countries where poppy cultivation is prohibited. The Board urges Governments to be vigilant in order to ensure that poppy seeds traded for culinary purposes are not derived from illicitly cultivated poppy plants. Otherwise, they would inadvertently be promoting such illicit cultivation.

9. Demand for opiates and supply of opiate raw materials

a) Consumption of opiates

68. Annual global consumption of opiates stabilized at around 200 tones in morphine equivalent during the 1980s. Since the beginning of the 1990s, consumption has increased, reaching 230 tones in morphine equivalent in 1993, the highest level ever recorded. In 1994, global consumption of opiates continued to be high, reaching 223 tones in morphine equivalent, the second highest level ever recorded. The increase compared with pre-1991 levels can be partly attributed to increased consumption of codeine. In 1993, for example, codeine consumption rose to 182 tones in morphine equivalent, compared with the annual average consumption of 167 tones in morphine equivalent before 1991. (...) the consumption of codeine in 1993 increased substantially, compared with the average level prevailing during the period 1980-1990, in the following major user countries: Australia, Canada, France, India, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom. Those countries accounted in 1993 for 44 per cent of total codeine consumption.

69. (...) global consumption of morphine has steadily increased since 1984, and since 1991 it has increased by an average of 2 tones each year, reaching 14 tones in 1994. (...) Dihydrocodeine consumption has also shown a rapid increase in the last few years; for example, it increased from 21 tones in morphine equivalent in 1991 to 30 tones in morphine equivalent in 1994.

70. Codeine consumption oscillated at around 167 tones in morphine equivalent in the 1980s and was at that level in 1994. Based on estimates furnished for 1995 and 1996, codeine consumption in those years is likely to increase compared with the 1994, owing to anticipated consumption increases in certain major user countries. (...)

b) Production of opiate raw materials

72. Because of substantial increases in the actual areas harvested in India and Turkey in 1995 compared with 1994, global production of opiate raw materials reached 279 tones in morphine equivalent, in spite of poor harvests in Australia and Spain. According to the most recent statistics, the area harvested in India in 1995 was 22,799 hectares, almost twice the area harvested in 1994 and the largest area harvested in that country since 1987. The area harvested in Turkey in 1995 rose to 60,051 hectares, the largest area ever harvested in any country for licit purposes. Production of opiate raw materials in India and Turkey amounted to 89.3 tones and 80.6 tones in morphine equivalent respectively, together accounting for 61 per cent of the world total in 1995.

73. Based on the estimates, global production of opiate raw materials in 1996 is expected to increase to approximately 290 tones in morphine equivalent, under normal weather conditions. In response to an unexpected and exceptional shortfall in Australia of more than 40 per cent of production in 1995, which was caused by drought, the area under poppy cultivation in that country will be increased in 1996 by 1,350 hectares to 10,600 hectares. In India, because of insufficient rainfall in 1995 and a predicted low yield, the area licensed for cultivation has been increased to 35,000 hectares in order to reach the production level estimated for 1996. The actual area harvested may remain well below the area authorized for cultivation.

The entire text is available on Internet in the following languages:

French http://www.undcp.org/reports/incb95/incb95fr.htm,

English http://www.undcp.org/reports/incb95/incb95en.htm

Spanish http://www.undcp.org/reports/incb95/incb95sp.htm.


Italy * Methadon, but not for everyone. On July 16, Carmelo Palma from the CORA National Board, decided to stop, after seven days his hanger strike. The goal of the hunger strike was to avoid that the decree-law which limit the use of methadon only to those physicians who work in the public services, has extended. After the decree-law was released, a CORA delegation met the Minister of Social Affairs, Ms Livia Turco, obtaining a commitment from the Government to give a rigid application of the norm.

However, this norm still remains absolutely severe because it will not allow to finance all those "mixed" or "integrated" programs, even the prescription of methadon will be released by public service. It will be possible because all these mixed or integrated programs will not be completely managed by public services. Also two parliamentary interrogations have been presented to the Senate (Sen. Pietro Milio, Pannella List) and to the Chamber of Deputies (Deputy Paolo Conte, Green Party): the first one denounced the "bag-snatching" of the popular referendum which had allowed doctors and patiences to choose the therapy; the second one was about the equivocalness interpretation of the decree-law, which could be interpreted either in an broad sense (restoration of the norm abrogated by the referendum) or restrictive (application of the decree-law only at those programs financed by The National Antidrugs Fund. In other worlds all those doctors who could not get any money from the program, could continue to prescr

ibe methadon). We want to remark that only four Deputies in the entire Parliament voted against the restoration of a norm abrogate by a popular referendum.

PAA Parliamentarians for Antiprohibitionist Action. European Campaign for the Revision of the International Conventions on Drugs

Tuesday July 16, the first working group of the Parliamentarians who joined the PAA Campaign promoted by Cora, took place at the European Parliament in Strasburg. The first initiative of the PAA at the European Parliament will be the presentation of a recommendation to the European Council and to the Member States of the European Union, in order to demand the overcoming of the disastrous prohibitionistic policies. The Parliamentarians who took part, gave their availability to promote and to collect adhesions among their colleagues. This text could represent the first answer to the prohibitionist conformism which is at the base of the current policies carried on from the European Union on drugs.

The fallowing European Parliamentarians joined the PAA:

Magda AELVOET, Agalev, Belgium; Adelaide AGLIETTA, Green Fed.,Italy; Ernesto CACCAVALE, Go Italy, Italy; Italia Daniel COHN-BENDIT, Grune, Germany; Gianfranco DELL'ALBA, Pannella List, Italy; Nel Van DIJK, Groen Links, Netherlands; Olivier DUPUIS, Pannella List, Belgium; Martina GREDLER, Liberals Forum, Austria; Jean-Francois HORY, Radical, France; José María MENDILUCE, Psoe, Spain; Elly PLOOIJ-VAN GORSEL, Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie, Netherlands; Luciano PETTINARI, Comunist Rifoundation, Italy; Pierre PRADIER, Radical, France; Carlo RIPA DI MEANA, Green Fed., Italy; Claudia ROTH, Grüne, Germany; Angela del Carmen SIERRA GONZALEZ, Izquierda Unida, Spain; Wolfgan ULLMANN, Grüne, Germany; the Basque Parliamentarian Juantxo DOMINGUEZ LOPEZ, Los Verdes-Berdeak, Spain.


* Spain. The Spanish delegate to the National Plain on Drugs (Pnsd) believes that if the money-laundering will not be possible, the drugs traffic would not exist. For this reason to persecute the illicit-capitals must be the principal purpose, in the contest of the fight against the organized crime. The new strategy is based on a plan which modifies and coordinates the operative, legislative and administrative realizations with the determining contribution of the Spanish Central Bank. (EL PAIS, 07/10)

* Burma. The "King of opium" Khun Sa, is actually under interrogation on his international connection by the Burman authorities. The Burman regime refused to consign the sixty two years drugs boss, to the U.S.A. Kun Sa, a native of China whose real name is Zhang Sifu, consigned himself in january to the Birman authorities. He is considered the most powerful drugs trafficker of the "Gold Triangle", Burma, Laos and Thailand where is concentrated the 70% of opium which is used for the worldwide heroin production. Some "Money Tay Army" members accused Khun

Sa of betrayal because he asked the protection of the military regime stipulating a secret agreement. (NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG, 07/11)

* Switzerland. Among the more audacious experiences on AIDS prevention, presented at the XI International Conference on AIDS in Vancouver, there was the experiment driven in a Swiss women's prison. This program based on a needles-controlled distribution, has been made in collaboration with the medical service of the prison. The program, also provides: automatic needle-machines in any division of prison, information-meeting and a hot-line. (LIBERATION, 07/12)

* France. The Professor Jean Claude Escande presented his resignation to the National Commission on anti-doping fight. He motivated his decision with the fact that he could no longer spend his time defending athletes from doping accusations when everybody, from his enemies to the public opinion, already knew the truth. During an interview with the "Parisien" on July 12, the Professor said: "The antidoping fight is ridiculous; we pretend to fight against something which is not be told". (LE MONDE, 07/13)

* Germany. Since the customs barriers inside the E.U. have been removed, the "hard drugs" traffic, in Netherlands and Germany,has remarkably increased. From the beginning of the year, the customs officers have been distraining 23 Kg of heroin, which is three times more than the same quantity distrained last year, in the same period and 84% more of cocaine. And so far, 66,000 Ecstasy tablets have been distrained which represent an increasing of 668% according to'95. On the contrary the distraint of hashish and marijuana has reduced. (FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE, 07/12)

* Netherlands. Eighty old people from a nursing home in Groningen, without knowing, became owners of the north of the country most extended cannabis cultivation. According to the "Telegraf", their nursing home is surrounded by an area of 2,000 mq, currently covered by cannabis plants which reached a length of 3,00 mt. What happen was that, some cannabis seeds were in the soil used for the reclamationbon of that area, soil which came from the same place where the police used to hold the distrained cannabis. (SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG, 07/13)

* U.S.A. The "Cannabis Buyers'Club" of San Francisco does not function illegally. For four years this center located in the center of the city, has legally been selling marijuana. It is possible because of a medical reason: in fact, cannabis can be used as a pain relief for people with severe illness as cancer, multiple sclerosis and AIDS.... This reason is seriously taken in a city as San Francisco where more than 25,000 people have tested positive at the HIV virus. So far, the club has not had problems with the police but it could change with an other city administration. Joining the club is very easy, what you need is: an ID card and a medical certification. So far there are 10,000 members. (LE NOUVEL OBSERVATEUR, 07/17)

* COLOMBIA. Jürgen Strorbeck, coordinator of the Europol Anti-Drugs Unity (UDE), the Europol first stage, said in an interview that this European Agency is necessary because, right now any Mexican or Columbian criminal Cartel has more money than most of the countries of the European Union. In 1995, the UDE'activity has regarded 1,500 investigations, 1,000 during the first semester in 1996. (EL PAIS, 07/17)

* GERMANY. The number of people dead increased. During the first semester of this year, in contrast with the last one, when the trend was characterized by a progressive decrease, the number of dead people has increased: 753, roughly 10% more. The number of people who used hard drugs arrested for the first time, has reached 500, for a total of 5,742 people. The number of ecstasy, lsd and amphetamnine users arrested, has increased over 50%.


* U.S.A. The State of California following the example of States as Michigan, Oklahoma, Illinois, Arkansas and Hawaii, is going to approve a law, which will give to the drug users the possibility to denounce for damages their dealers. Employers could also denounce the drug dealers for the missing productivity of their drug user employees, as well as any hospitals which could ask the reimbursement of the drugs users'medical expenses to the dealer.


* U.S.A. A sentence of the Supreme Court of the State of South Carolina established that "taking drugs" during the pregnancy is a crime: a pregnant woman who uses drugs can be charged with "abuse of fetus".

The general attorney said that according to the necessity to defend children from abuses, the sentence can be considered "historic". The sentence provoked the protest of several feminist organizations which saw in this decision, the risk of most women leaving the disintoxication centers. (LA REPUBBLICA, 07/17)

* U.S.A. In 1991, the Bush administration imposed, the anti-drugs test for all the White House staff, a practice which is still on. The secret service has increased the use of the test, under the Clinton administration, asking to all the members of the staff to take the test at least twice a year. Nobody was tested positive. Most of them who arrived at the White House with Clinton, in 1993 were between theirs twenty and thirty and the test was requested, explicitly by the Republicans. (HERALD TRIBUNE, 07/17)

* U.S.A. The death of the thirty four years old Jonathan Melvoin, the latest heroin victim in the American Music World, provoked in New York a dangerous reaction; in fact the "red rum" a particular type of heroin that the musician took before his death, has become very popular. The "red rum" that in the contrary can be read "murder", is required by the drug addicts as a "russian roulette". A few drug experts believe that this drug produces effects more powerful than the regular heroin. (IL MESSAGGERO, HERALD TRIBUNE 07/16).

* ITALY. The right does not like the decree-law on drugs (which its tried to stop in the Senate), made by an agreement between the State and the Regions. National Alleance'members remarked during a meeting which took place at the Don Gelmini'therapeutics community in Amelia, that the decree-law menaces the community. Gasparri said: "the prevalent element is the reduction of the damage", and "practically the surrender to drugs. The decree-law tends to bureaucratize the community, practically for nothing". (IL MESSAGGERO, 07/16)

* GREAT BRITAIN. Somebody called it the" strip-tease machine", because in reality it "strips" people who pass through. It is a new x-rays machine which is still in a testing phase. This weapon has been made in order to fight terrorists and drugs traffickers and will be placed at the customs, and used by airlines companies and by the British Parliament'security agents. The machine seems to be so powerful that could replace the "regular perquisitions". With this machine will be easier to locate: guns, navies or any kind of metal objects, drug packages and explosives. (THE TIMES, 07/14; LA STAMPA, 07/15).

* GREAT BRITAIN. Last year the British Government admitted what everybody already knew, that the British prisons are stuffed with drugs. Tests carried out by surprise resulted positive in 37% of cases. Prisoners had used cannabis in the last weeks or heroine or cocaine during the latest days. Among the prisons, Downview has become a model. Since 1992 two emissaries of the Government has been operating for the first full time anti drugs program in one prison. The program is based on the "Anonymous Alcoholistics" method; it is taken twelve weeks and is based on conversations between drug addicts and consultants. (THE ECONOMIST, 07/17).

* GERMANY. In the first semester of this year, the use of ecstasy has increased by 68% compared to the same time last year, and also

a few cases of death have been reported. According to the responsible for the drugs policy of the Berlin'Government, there is the risk that the ecstasy is becoming a rule for people who are used to go to discos. Heroine and cocaine use has been registered a stop. The information on "synthetic drugs" is really lacking; in fact, young people, for example, do not know yet that ecstasy is considered a "hard drug". It is for these reasons that an information campaign on it has been recalled. In the meantime the Liberal Youth has requested the legalization of the soft drug and the cannabis. (SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG, 07/17)

* SWITZERLAND. The closing of the "open spaces" for drugs addicts, as the "Letten" in Zurich and the "Olten", has had less negative impact on the near Canton of Avonia. The Health Department declared that request of admittances in the drug therapeutics community is normalized, but at the same time, an increase in the use of ecstasy and alcohol as a substitute for heroine has been noticed. (NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG, 07/17)

* SWITZERLAND. As a result of an initiative of the Helvetian Confederation, the first norms between Switzerland and the two Latin-American Countries: Peru and Ecuador, against the organized crime, have been signed. Accords intend to facilitate investigation and the arrest of the responsible of crimes in connection with the international traffic on drugs, money-laundering and tax evasions. (NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG, 07/18).

* COLOMBIA. A few things are going on around the President Ernesto Samper. Some Ministers of his Government who were involved in the scandal of the illegal money used for the Presidential campaign have resigned. Even the Vice-President Callé called himself out, hoping to replace Samper in an imminent future. In the meantime, the U.S.A. refused to release a visa to Samper who criticized the U.S.A. Government of undue interference. Meanwhile, Samper announced new drastic measures against the drug traffic. (EL PAIS, 07/19-21-22, NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG 07/19-22).

* FRANCE. Survey on young people and drugs. Thirty years ago hashish circulated with more discretion, instead, today seven high-school students out of 10 have already smoked and the debate on drugs is so repetitive that, regularly the proposal of the legalization is brought out. But today the problem is another one; the cleverness of the drugs chemists has opened the frontiers of the habitual drug addiction, and the advent of the "drawing" drugs are shaking the outline. Everybody can have access to these drugs which are very dangerous and which are sold and pushed as "innocuous". (LE NOUVEL OBSERVATEUR, 07/24).

* ITALY. Is it better dead than addicted? The parents are supporting their own children on the drugs front. There is who denounces them. Who is kicking them out of houses. Who is punishing them to the extreme deed. Take a trip among the drugs addicts'families. (L'ESPRESSO, 07/25).

* ITALY. Giving even a modest quantity of soft drug for free is still a crime. A sentence of the Constitutional Court that has put Marco Pannella in the wrong. Sometime ago he handed out marijuana and derivates by way of protest in order to obtain a modification to the rigorous norm. According to the judges "handing out drugs is extremely dangerous because of the high risk of initiating people who, otherwise, would not have been put in contact with the drugmarket and even more guilful because of it's inviting and capturing character. (CORSERA, LA REPUBBLICA, IL SOLE 24 ORE, IL GIORNALE 07/24).

Our goal is to organize a nonviolent antiprohibitionist and political movement starting with Europe. It is an ambitious goal, above our actual financial capabilities. Our "Only" financial resources come from subscriptions or contributions that citizens pay individually to CORA: not one cent of our budget comes from other organizations or institutions. This financial weakness is our strength and our political freedom. This allows us to act on what we consider the most urgent and correct. With a view to the VIIth CORA Congress, which will be held in Brussels in November, we want to establish a network of contacts and personal disposals to change the existing laws on drugs. In consequence we ask you to fill out and return this following form by mail or by fax or by sending us the answers by e-mail.

FILL OUT AND FAX: +39-6-68805396 or +32-2-230.36.70

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