To the attention of His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Tibet Office of New Delhi
Fax. 0091-11-6461914
Brussels, 6th July 1995
Your Holiness,
on the occasion of your sixtieth birthday, we would like to wish you many more days like this one, and as our jewish friends, we wish that you might celebrate your next Birthday in Tibet, in Lhassa.
We know how much you and your people have done and do to come to a peaceful solution to the Sino-Tibetan question. We also know of the sufferings, the deportations, the tortures and the deprivations of all kinds which have fallen on the tibetan people. On the contrary, they have reinforced your hopes and initiatives in favour of your legitimate ambitions of liberty and the defence of your identity. Please know that their effects have gone well beyond Tibet, numerous are those in the world who have been touched and have reinforced their action.
Present, as radicals, humble and poor, from Sarajevo to Brussels, Moscow to New York, rich in our differences, protestants, boudists, muslems, catholics, atheists, jewish, agnostics, orthodox, hindus, the wishes that we address to you today are wishes of hope, of reflection and of the work which we hope will always be closer.
We hope that accross the entire world this large nonviolent initiative will organize and reinforce itself. This initiative of the humble and powerful, this Satyagraha for the freedom of Tibet, Tibetans and Chinese.
From our hearts, we wish you the best,
Olivier Dupuis
(Secretary of the Radical Party)