To the members of
the Ad Hoc Committee
for the drafting of the statute
of the Permanent International
Criminal Court
To the attention of...
Representative of...
Brussels, August 3, 1995
Dear Sir,
following the initiative of numerous Europarliamentarians members of the Transnational and Transparty Radical Party, the European Parliament, during its July session, has unanimously adopted an urgent resolution on the issue of the Permanent Tribunal and the operation of the Ad Hoc tribunals. I am glad to include a copy for your perusal.
While, more and more in the world, dictators and would-be dictators are using the barbaric situation in ex-Yugoslavia as an example, it seems increasingly more urgent to finally establish the basis of a system of justice that can punish not only the perpetrators of savage crimes but, that will be able, through its permanency, to have a deterring function.
The Transnational Transparty Radical Party, has been committed for over three years, first of all, to bring the "events" of ex-Yugoslavia to a minimum of justice, and further, in addition to the tragedy in Rwanda and more, so that the world, the international community may acquire an instrument of justice to which those responsible of criminal acts must be held accountable, regardless of where in the world they come from and at any time: that is a Permanent International Criminal Court.
After many non-violent mobilizations to put pressure on the Parliaments and national Governments, we were able, together with other organizations, to persuade the United Nations to entrust to your Committee the important task of complete the statute of the Permanent Tribunal so that it may be debated at the VI Committee and later approved by the General Assembly. It is equally important that in the next session of the United Nations there be a decision taken to convene an International Conference on the Permanent Tribunal.
Considering the pressing appeals of the President of the Ad Hoc Tribunal, Mr. Cassese, the Chief Prosecutor of the Ad Hoc Tribunals, Judge Goldstone, to improve the operation of the ad hoc tribunals, but also that a Permanent Court be created, I would like to ask your support for a flexible and pragmatic approach in order to overcome the current objections within the ad hoc Committee and that allows for important compromises to create an international monitoring system on war crimes.
While the United Nations is getting ready to celebrate, in the midst of many difficulties and tragedies, the fiftieth anniversary of its foundation, the task that you have the privilege to carry forth within the ad hoc Committee has an importance that I do no hesitate to define as historic. During this phase, it depends on you and your colleagues, in fact, that the General Assembly may pronounce itself on this possibility.
For these raisons, and others that you know well, I would like to ask you on behalf of my organization and of the hundreds national Parliamentarians members, from over 40 countries, on my behalf as well, to do all that it is in your power so that the project on the statute be effectively completed during the working session that will begin next August 14.
I thank you for your attention hoping that you too will be instrumental in making possible the celebration of this first segment of international criminal justice in the history of humanity.
Sincerely yours,
Olivier Dupuis
General Secretary
of Radical Party (*)
(*) "NGO in consultative status (Category I) with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.