STATEMENT OF MARINO BUSDACHIN, USA COORDINATOR OF THE TRP.New York-Bruxelles, October 19, 1995. Rinchen DHARLO representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama of the Americas and President of the Tibet Fund has become a member of the Transnational Transparty Radical Party.
This is more than a symbolic membership since it is the first time that a high ranking official of the Tibetan institutions in exile joins a party that has designated to make the Campaign for Freedom in Tibet one of its central issues of political struggle.
In regard to this membership, Marino BUSDACHIN, Radical Party Coordinator for the United States stated: "With his action, Rinchen Dharlo, has intended to increase the strength and concreteness of the Radical Party campaign which, among other things, wants to make next March 10, 1996 - the Anniversary day of the 1959 Lhasa Insurrection - a day of worldwide mobilization for freedom in Tibet and an important stepping stone in preparation of the great world Satyagraha that will take place in 1997."
Transnational Radical Party