To attention of Mr. Boutros BOUTROS-GHALI
Secretary General of the United Nations
Mr. Secretary General,
Invaded in 1949, and since then occupied by the People's Republic of China, Tibet, unique patrimony of the entire humanity, is dying, asphyxiates by a systematic politics of colonization based on massive occupations of Chinese populations and on the destruction of its cultural, religious, environmental and political legacy.
It's essential that the international Community, through its highest representation, the United Nations, creates the set for the opening of negotiations, without pre-conditions, between the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan government in exile and the Chinese government, in order to finally confront with the arms of dialogue, a tragedy lasted for over forty years.
In order to accelerate the process of awareness of the international community, we believe dutiful that the United Nations give, with maximum urgency, a sign that expresses and initiates, without any possible equivocation, a different approach to the Tibetan tragedy, based on dialogue.
We, therefore, appeal to you, Mr. Secretary General of the United Nations, to receive, as soon as possible, the Dalai Lama, in order to define the likely steps for an initiative that allows the re-
establishment in Tibet of the rights and international laws violated.