by Altiero Spinelli
SUMMARY: Before the Assembly takes the final vote on the draft Treaty, Spinelli recalls the commitment undertaken vis-a-vis "his" electors and his role in Parliament.
The draft Treaty establishing the European union is approved by the European Parliament by 237 votes in favour, 31 against and 43 abstentions. In "Speeches in European Parliament, 1976-1986", Pier Virgilio Dastoli editor. (EP, 14 February 1984)
Mr President, during the election campaign five years ago, I promised my constituents who were not on the centre-right but on the left that I would pursue this matter. I have kept that promise. Today, having reached this point, the end of one chapter and the beginning of another which others, perhaps, will complete, and as I look back on the task that I have tried to accomplish here, I have to tell you that it is my view that if the ideas contained in this draft and the resolution had not been in the minds of the great majority of this Parliament, it would have been quite impossible for me to put them there. I have merely practised the art of maieutics, after the manner of Socrates. I am the midwife who has delivered Parliament of this infant. Now we must nurture it. Thank you.