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Spinelli Altiero - 24 maggio 1984
About the declaration of François Mitterrand


by Altiero Spinelli

SUMMARY: The European Parliament hears a speech given by François Mitterrand, as President of the European Council.

The President of the French Republic - who in previous months had already unequivocally signalled his political will to revive the prospect of European political union - takes advantages of his visit to the European Parliament to propose an inter-governmental conference to act upon the draft Treaty for European union approved by the Parliament on 14 February 1984. The analysis and the proposals of Mitterrand are, in a large size, linked to the advices of Spinelli, who met Mitterrand during his tour through the Member States. After this meeting, the 16 april 1984, Spinelli sends Mitterrand a note which states, among other things, that "the Parliament's draft could provide the President of the Republic with a basis for a French initiative which would compel all the Governments of Europe to discharge their responsibilities".

After sending that note, Spinelli remains in contact with the French Foreign Minister, Roland Dumas, particularly during the period prior to the convening of the Council at Fontainebleau, the place chosen by Mitterand to give specific impetus to his initiative. With a view to that European summit, Spinelli sends - on S June 1984 - a second note to Mitterand on the "action to be taken following the French President's call for European union". In "Speeches in European Parliament, 1976-1986", Pier Virgilio Dastoli editor. (EP, 24 May 1984)

Mr President of the French Republic, Mr President of the Council, following the vote on 14 February on the draft treaty, the German, Belgian and Italian Parliaments have already started preliminary debates on the subject. The French Senate has already prepared a first, excellent, report on the draft. But with your solemn announcement that France is ready to take the initiative in bringing about political union, our draft becomes the subject of European construction. A new chapter has opened.

Since it will be difficult to do so in writing, let me thank you, Mr President of the Republic, and I think I speak on behalf of the entire Parliament, for giving this undertaking... but let me also draw your attention to the dangers to which the draft and the initiative are open. If adjustments were found necessary - and this almost certainly will be the case - the task should be entrusted, not to experts or diplomats, but to the new Parliament, the legitimate representative of the citizens of Europe. Mr President of the French Republic, we are counting on you.

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