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Archivio federalismo
PE - 16 maggio 1988
The European Parliament approves: General States of Europe

ABSTRACT: On May 16th 1988, the European Parliament adopted a solemn Declaration signed by the majority of its members. This asked for the convocation in July 1989, of the "General States of Europe", where the members of the twelve Parliaments and of the European Parliament meeting at a joint Assembly, should elect the Presidents of the Council and of the European Commission. It also requested the Treaty of European Union in 1989.

("Single issue" booklet for the XXXV Congress of The Radical Party - Budapest 22-26 april 1989)

The European Parliament,

a) with regard to the resolution adopted on February 10, 1988 by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the CAMERA DEI DEPUTATI, supported by 200 members of the European Parliament, requesting that:

- A Treaty on European Union be adopted on a proposal from the European Parliament, duly mandated to this effect at its second re-election in June 1989, - the European General States" of the parliamentarians of the twelve member countries of the Community and the European Parliament be convened in July 1989 to elect, in a joint Assembly, the President of the European Council and the President of the Commission.

b) noting the President's favourable statement on this:

1. Approves and endorses that resolution;

2. Formally calls on the Parliaments of the other Member States immediately to embark on the transition to European Political Union in keeping with the spirit, procedure and timetable set out in that resolution;

3. Calls on the Commission and the Council to do all in their power to ensure that the European Council meeting in Hannover can ratify the aims of this declaration;

4. Considers that the Single Act, which opens up the market and should create an economic, monetary, social and cohesive European area, cannot be fully realised in the absence of a political and institutional Union;

5. Calls on its President to forward this declaration to the speakers of the upper and lower houses of the Parliaments of the Member States, to the Presidents of the Commission and the Council, and to deliver it in person to the Members of the European Council.

Socialist Group

Abens Victor, L; Amadei Giuseppe, I; Amber Werner, D; D'Ancona Hedy, N; Andenna Ettore, I; Arbeloa Muru Victor, E; Bachy Jean Paul, F; Baget Bozzo Gianni, I; Balfe Richard, Uk; Belo Jesus Andrade, P; Boesmans Alfons, B; Bombard Alain, F; Boniver Margherita, I; Coimbra Martins Antonio, P; Cot Jean Pierre, F; Didò Mario, I; Dury Raymonde, B; Eyraud Louis; F; Fellermeier Ludwig, D; Fuillet Yvette, F; Glinne Ernest, B; Grimaldos Grimaldos Juliàn, E; Guarracci Anselmo, I; Happart José, B; Hitzigrath R-udiger, D; Hoff Magdalene, D; Kolokotronis Spiridon, Gr; Lagakos Leonidas, Gr; Lienemann Marie No-elle, F; Linkohr Rolf, Gr; Lizin Anne Marie, B; Loo Charles Emile, F; Marinho Luis, P; Martelli Claudio, I;Mattina Vincenzo, I; Mavros Georgios, Gr; Medina Ortega Manuel, E; Mihr Karl-Heinrich, D; Moroni Giovanni, I; Muntingh Hemmo, N; Neugebauer Lore, D; Pelikan Jiri, I; Pery Nicole, F; Peters Johannes Wilhelm, D; Pintasilgo Maria de Lourdes, P; Plaskovitis Spyridon, Gr; Pons Grau Josep Enrique, E; Remacle Marcel, B; R

igo Mario, I; Rogalla Dieter, D; Rothe Mechtild, D; Rothley Willi, D; Saby Henri, F; Salisch Heinke, D; Schmid Gerhard, D; Schmidbauer Barbara, D; Schinzel Dieter, D; Schreiber Heinz, D; Seefeld Horst, D; Seeler Hans Joachim, D; Seibel-Emmerling Liselotte, D; Sierra Bardaji Mateo, E; Simons Barbara, D; Sutra De Germa Georges, F; Topmann G-unther, D; Vayssade Marie-Claude, F; Vetter Heinz Oskar, D; Viehoff Phili J., N; Visser Ben, N; Vittinghoff Kurt, D; Weber Beate, D; Wetting Klaus, D; Woltjer Eisso, N; Zagari Mario, I.

Group of the European People's Party

Van Aersenn Jochen, D; Alber Siegbert, D; Anastassopulos Georgios, Gr; Antoniozzi Dario, I; Banotti Mary, Irl; Bardong Otto, D; Bersani Giovanni, I; Beumer Bouke, N; von Bismark Philipp, D; Boot Elise, N; Borgo Franco, I; Braun-Moser Ursula, D; Brok Elmar, D; Carvalho Cardoso José Vicente, P; Cassanmagnago Cerretti Maria Luisa, I; Chiabrando Mauro, I; Chiusano Vittorino, I; Ciancaglini Michelangelo, I; Cornelissen Petrus, N; Costanzo Roberto, I; Dalsass Joachim, I; De Backer-Van Ocken Rika, B; Debatisse Michel, D; De Mita Ciriaco, I; Duetoft Peter Klaus, Dk; Eber Manfred Artur, D; Ercini Sergio, I; Estgen Nicolas, L; Ferrer y Casals Concepcion, E; Formigoni Roberto, I; Franz Otmar, D; Friedrich Ingo, D; Fruh Isidor, D; Gaibisso Gerardo, I; Gama José Antonio, P; Gerontopoulos Kyriakos, Gr; Giannakou-Koutsikou Marietta, Gr; Giovazzi Giovanni, I; Giumarra Vincenzo, I; Habsburg Otto, D; Hackel Wolfgang, D; Hoffmann Karl-Heinz, D; Iodice Antonio, I; Janssen van Raay James L., N; Lecanuet Jean, F; Lenz Marlene, D;

Ligios Giosuè, I; Lima Salvatore, I; Lucas Pires Francisco Antonio, P; Luster Rudolf, D; McCartin John Joseph, Irl; Maij-Weggen Johanna, N; Mallet Jacques, F; Mertens Meinolf, D; Michelini Alberto, I; Mizzau Alfredo, I; Munch Werner, D; Muller Gunther, D; O'Malley Christopher Gerard, Irl; Parodi Eolo, I; Patrat Roger, F; Penders Jean, NL; Peus Gabriele, D; Pfimlin Pierre, F; Pisoni Ferruccio, I; Pisoni Nino, I; Poetschki Hans, D; Poettering Hans-Gert, D; Pomilio Mario, I; Rabbethge Renate-Charlotte, D; Raftery Thomas, Irl; Rinsche G-unter, D; Salzer Bernhard, D; Saridakis Georgios, Gr; Schleicher Ursula, D; Schon Konrad, D; Selva Gustavo, I; Spath Leopold, D; Starita Giovanni, I; von Stauffenberg Ludwig, D; Stavrou Konstantinos, Gr; Theato Diemut, D; Tzounis Ioannis, Gr; Vergeer Willem, N; Wawrzik Kurt, D; Wedekind Rudolf, D; Zahorka Hans-J-urgen, D; Zarges Axel, D.

European Democratic Group

Alvarez De Eulate Penaranda José Maria, E; Arguelles Salaverria Pedro, E; Arias Canete Miguel, E; Battersby Robert, Uk; Beazley Christopher, Uk; Bethell The Lord, Uk; Cabanillas Gallas Pio, E; De Courcy Ling John, Uk; Daly Margaret, Uk; Diaz Del Rio Jaudenes Ramon, E; Escuder Croft Arturo, E; Fraga Iribarne Manuel, E; Garcia Amigo Manuel, E; Garriga Polledo Salvador, E; Hutton Alasdair Henry, Uk; Lafuente Lopez José Maria, E; Llorca Vilaplana Carmen, E; Moorhouse James, Uk; Navarro Velasco Antonio, E; Newton Dunn William Francis, Uk; Patterson Georges Benjamin, Uk; Pearce Andrew, Uk; Perinat Elio Luis Guillermo, E; Prag Derek, Uk; Robles Piquer Carlos, E; Romera y Alcazar Domènec, E; Scott-Hoplins Sir James, Uk; Seligman Madron Richard, Uk; Sherlock Alexander, Uk; Simmonds Richard J., Uk; Simpson Anthony M.H., Uk; Stewart-Clark Sir Jack, Uk; Suarez Gonzalez Fernando, E; Turner Amédée E., Uk; Valverde Lopez José Luis, E; Vanneck Sir Peter B.R., Uk.

Communist and Allies Group

Barzanti Roberto, I; Bonaccini Aldo, I; Castellina Luciana, I; Cinciari Rodano Maria Lisa, I; Ferrero Bruno, I; Filinis Konstantinos, Gr; Galluzzi Carlo Alberto, I; Gutierrez Diaz Antonio, E; Marinaro Francesca, I; Papapietro Giovanni, I; Puerta Gutierrez Alonso, E; Raggio Andrea, I; Rossetti Giorgio, I; Rossi Tommaso, I; Segre Sergio Camillo, I; Squarcialupi Vera, I; Trivelli Renzo, I; Trupia Lalla, I; Valenzi Maurizio, I.

Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group

Amaral Rui, P; Andre Anne, B; Baur Charles, F; Benhamou Gérard, F; Bettiza Vincenzo, I; Chinaud Roger, F; Compasso Francesco, I; Condesso Fernando, P; De Gucht Karel, B; De Winter August, B; Di Bartolomei Mario, I; Donnez Georges, F; de Figueiredo Lopez Antonio Jorge, P; Fourcans André Georges, F; Garcia Vasco, P; Gasoliba y Bohm Charles Alfred, E; Gawronski Jas, I; Ippolito Felice, I; Larive Jessica, N; Muns Albuixech Joaquim, E; Nordmann Jean-Thomas, F; Pereira Manuel, P; Pereira Virgilio, P; Pimenta Carlos, P; Pininfarina Sergio, I; Poniatowski Michel, F; Toussaint Michel, B; Wijsenbeek Florus, N.

Group of the European Democratic Alliance

Coste-Florest Alfred, F; Ewing Winifred, Uk; Gauthier Roger, F; Malaud Philippe, F; Thome-Patenotre Jacqueline, F.

Rainbow Group

Columbo Michele, I; Garaikoetxea Urriza Juan Carlos, E; Kuijpers Willy, B; Roelants du Vivier François, B; Telkamper Wilfried, D; Tridente Alberto, I; Vandemeulebroucke Jaak, B.

Group of the European Right

Buttafuoco Antonino, I; Deveze Gilbert, F; Dimitriadis Chrysanthos, Gr; Palmieri Roger, F; Petronio Francesco, I; Pordea Gustave, F; Romualdi Pino, I.


Bonino Emma, I, Calvo Ortega Rafael, E; Cervera Cardona José Emilio, E; Cicciomessere Roberto, I; Coderch Planas José, E; Diez De Rivera Icaza Carmen, E; Escudero Lopez José Antonio, E; Montero Zabala José Maria, E; Morodo Leoncio Raul, E; Negri Giovanni, I; Pannella Marco, I; Punset y Casals Eduardo, E; Ulburghs Jef, B.

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