OBERLIN, OH - Oberlin Students for a Free Tibet will be sponsoring the first ever national conference and meeting of Students for a Free Tibet over the weekend of October 27-29. The focus of the conference will be formulating internationally mindful strategies to put pressure on the Chinese government and methods for raising awareness around Tibet.
At the meeting we will attempt to share with each other what we've done and what we're doing, as well as discuss some of issues that Students for a Free Tibet are facing. We will have educational speakers in addition to representatives from other organizations give workshops on putting together events and raising money.
Friday, October 27
8:00 PM Why Tibet? Q & A session to follow,- Finney Chapel
Welcome - Oberlin SFT
Introduction of Speakers - Erin Potts
Overview of the Tibetan Situation and Slideshow -
Thupten Tsering
Free Tibet in a World View- Adam Yauch
*Blake Kerr Birthday Explosion to follow*
Saturday, October 28
9:30 AM Informal Breakfast w/ coffee & donuts.
10 - 11:30 Religion and Politics Combined
John Dunne
Lunch in town- Discount Certificates from Feve, Pizza Hut, and Annies.
1 - 2:15 Holocaust in Tibet: Human Rights Violations in Tibet
Slideshow Presentation by Blake Kerr
2:30 - 4:15 PM Tibetan Youth Activism at Work: Lobsang Sangay - Prospects for Tibetan Independence in the Immediate Future
Dechen Wangdu - The UN Women's Conference in Beijing
Tenzin Lodoe - Activism in Exile
Thupten Tsering -
4:30-6 PM How to make Tibet THE International Issue - Strategy Session with panel:
Erin Potts {Milarepa}
Jon Ackerly {or ICT rep}
Jon Garfunkel {Tibetan Education Network}
John Hocevar {SFT, USTC}
Heidi Melz {Tibet Fund}
6:20 - 7:45 PM Tibetan Dinner at Food Co-op Cooked with help of Dorje Utak's daughter and Oberlin students. **If you want to help cook Tibetan food - email djacobs@cs.oberlin.edu ASAP!!!!**
8 PM Keynote Speaker(s)!
Nancy Dye - President of Oberlin College
Takster Rinpoche {not confirmed}
With Reception to follow at Asia House's Shipherd Lounge
Sunday, 29 October
10 - 11:15 Combining Educational Outreach and Social Activism: Spreading the
Word on Tibet
Jon Garfunkel
11:30 AM - Students for a Free Tibet National Conference Capstone discussion:
Strategies for a Free Tibet Now
Erin Potts - Milarepa foundation
John Ackerly - International Campaign for Tibet
Jon Garfunkel - Tibetan Education Network
John Hocevar - Students for a Free Tibet
Heidi Melz - Tibet Fund
CHARGE: **ZERO** This is about freeing Tibet - not making money. Our speakers have been generous enough to speak without honorarium and eliminate registration fees in the hopes that more students will be able to come and share in these ideas. If you feel like donating money, rad, but the most important thing is your presence donations are not requested or required.
MEALS: Saturday Breakfast and Dinner and Sunday Breakfast and Lunch are provided. We have obtained discount coupons for local restaurants so Saturday Lunch so it should be *cheap*cheap* If you are going to be around in time for Friday dinner (by 6) contact djacobs@cs.oberlin.edu and we will try and take care of you.
HOUSING: Many floors, lounges and couches have already been reserved - if this will not do contact djacobs@cs.oberlin.edu and we will book a cheap hotel room for you.
TRAVEL: Directions are available for drivers - email djacobs@cs.oberlin.edu for specifics from where you are. We will try and arrange rides from the airport for all students who fly in, but we may not be able to account for everyone. Again, the earlier you RSVP with travel plans the happier we will all be. Unfortunately, we cant subsidize any other costs.
ANNOUNCEMENTS and other news will be available over the Internet:
SFT National Home Page: http://cs.oberlin.edu/~djacobs/tibet/
Tommy Kriegsmann
(216) 775 6270
David Jacobs
(216) 775 6525