DATE: October 24, 1995
TO: Tibet Supporters
FROM: Thubten Jigme Norbu & Lawrence Gerstein, Ph.D.
Co-Directors, International Tibet Independence Movement
RE: Hunger Strikers at the UN
The following letter was sent to Mr. H.E. Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Secretary General of the United Nations, to express our organization's views about the hunger strikers demonstrating at the United Nations (NYC). We strongly encourage you to immediately forward similar letters of support to Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali.
Dear Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali,
As you know, there are many individuals and countries that are concerned about the current and future status of Tibet and the Tibetan people. Over the years, the United Nations has responded to this concern by passing three resolutions (1353 [XIV]; 1723 [XVI]; & 2079 [XX]) and openly debating Tibet's future. Unfortunately, this action has not changed the ongoing reality that Tibetans are being tortured, starved, and killed, and Tibet itself continues to be destroyed. Little progress has occurred since the People's Republic of China (PRC) first illegally invaded Tibet in the late 1940's.
Now is a highly critical juncture for Tibet and its' citizens. Before long Tibet will no longer belong to Tibetans and the Tibetan culture will disappear from this planet. Quite recently, there has been a resurgence of activism on the part of Tibet. More importantly, Tibetans themselves have been more aggressive about their desire to achieve independence for Tibet. Our organization strongly supports such activities, and specifically, encourages all non-violent actions directed toward restoring Tibet's place among independent nations.
We are writing you at this time because we are highly concerned about the escalating frustration that is emerging in the Tibetan community and the ever apparent unwillingness of the PRC to resolve the "Tibetan situation." Like you, we whole heartedly endorse a peaceful resolution to the Tibet dilemma. It appears, however, that if strong and direct action is not taken soon that more violent strategies will be employed in an attempt to free Tibet of the oppressive policies and actions of the PRC. We pray that such strategies are not utilized. Yet, violence is at our doorstep, especially at the doorstep of the United Nations.
As you are well aware, six Tibetans have submitted a five-point list of demands to you on behalf of various Tibetan organizations and support groups. These six Tibetans have pledged to remain on a hunger strike until their demands are met, and as you know, they are willing to sacrifice their lives if their demands go unanswered. In fact, other Tibetans have committed to continue the hunger strike in the event that one of the original six strikers die. Obviously these are very brave, courageous, and dedicated people. However, we cannot sit idle while these hunger strikers practice violence toward themselves. We strongly encourage you and your representatives to begin dialogue with these strikers and grant them their demands before a great number of Tibetans perish at the gateway to the organization deeply committed to peace, the United Nations. In advance, thank you for your assistance on this urgent matter.