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Notizie Tibet
Maffezzoli Giulietta - 26 ottobre 1995

Moscow,26 Oct - The motion on the Situation in Tibet was moved today in the Lower House (State Duma) of Russian Parliament. It was tabled by Mrs. Kara-kys Arakchaa, MP,a staunch supporter of Tibet.The motion calls upon China to stop the transfer of Chinese people to Tibet, to put and end to the violation of human rights in Tibet, appeals to Russian government to recognise the Dalai Lama and Tibetan government-in-exile as the legitimate representatives of Tibetan people, invites Chinese government and Tibetan government-in-exile to establish negotiations, and declares its support for the peaceful efforts made by the Dalai Lama to restore right to self-determination of Tibetan people.

The motion was supported by 103 members of Parliament belonging to various parties,including former Prime Minister Mr.Yegor Gaidar and human rights activist Mr.Sergei Kovalev.Three members abstained and 344 MPs did not participate in the voting but NONE against the motion.This is the third time this year that Tibet issue was raised in Russian Parlaiment but failed to get resolution passed.

In her statement,Mrs. K.Arakchaa said: "There is a large group of members who formed solidarity with (Russian) government that considers the relationship with China as extremely important." The Russian Radical Party,which also supports Tibet issue, in its press release comments: "The members of State Duma don't want to discuss the situation in Tibet." In his commentary, Mr. Nawang Rabgyal,Representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama said: "The support for Tibet issue by 103 MPs is a good sign and indication of growing awareness and sympathy for Tibetan cause. Under the prevailing economic and political instability and long common border with China,we very much understand the position of Russia on Tibet.But we are optimistic of this country.Because Tsarist Russia was one of the first European country that established diplomatic contacts with independent Tibet.There are 4 traditional Buddhist Republics in Russian Federation,which share the same common culture with Tibetans. Also there is growing interest in T

ibetan culture among Russian masses,specially intellectuals."

The Russian Democratic Party,in its letter dated 25 October 1995,expressed its support for the Parliamentary motion on the Situation in Tibet.

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