Forwarded by:Thubten Jigme Norbu, Co-Director
Int'l Tibet Independence Movement
[Speech presented on October 27, 1995 to the "Students for a Free Tibet" Conference at Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio.]
Thank you so much President Dye for the kind and thoughtful introduction. I am deeply honored to have been invited to take part in this historic moment, the first National Conference of "Students for a Free Tibet." I am also quite moved by the excellent turnout here tonight. While I am a retired Professor and I am accustomed to speaking to large groups, I remain a simple Tibetan who would rather sit down with you and drink tea. I could then get to know you better and you would have an easier time understanding my English. Even after 44 years in the West, I still need help with my English. I hope you will be able to understand me and that you will take the opportunity to talk with me this weekend.
This evening I want to address a very serious problem that effects everyone here. Please take a moment and consider how many items in your home have been made in China. I challenge you to find, for example, an alarm clock, a telephone, a toy, an answering machine, shoes, a shirt, or an umbrella not made in China. China's army is making these products for you in factories staffed by prisoners--many of whom are political prisoners that are starved, tortured, sterilized, and killed. China gladly accepts your money to increase its' nuclear weaponry and to sell such weapons to places like Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Pakistan.
They also use your money to buy Russian Attack Submarines and to support the occupation of other Asian Nations like Burma and Hong Kong. It appears certain that by the year 2010, China will have the second largest economy in the world and it will dominate the entire Pacific Rim. They will dominate us.
Now, I wonder if you want a repressive communist country with one-third of the world population with so much power? Can you really trust a country that has already renamed every city in the United States with a Chinese name? Why have they done this? China claims that Taiwan, Japan, and other Asian countries must be reunited with the motherland. In other words, all of Asia should be China. Do you believe this? Can you really feel safe with a country that has legalized the eating of human fetuses and human body parts? How could anyone do this? This is terrible. Do you really want to continue doing business with a country that supports such policies? You can either save now and pay later, or do something like boycotting Chinese goods.
Before I address the main topic of my speech, I wanted to share some brief facts about Tibet. Located at the "rooftop of the world," Tibet is bordered by China, India, and Nepal, along with some other smaller Asian countries. Tibet is approximately the size of Europe, and at one time, was populated by about 6 million people. Prior to the 1950's, by choice and the physical environment, Tibet was almost totally isolated from the outside world. Tibetans enjoyed their isolation and their peaceful, self-contained existence.
They had no need or desire for a military, nor any interest in acquiring additional territory. Forty-five years ago, China disturbed the peace in Tibet when it began to take political, military, and economic control of my country; literally, an illegal, brutal invasion of Tibet. China claimed that the Tibetans needed to be liberated from the oppressive conditions of the Tibetan Government and the Tibetan aristocracy.
This is untrue. The truth is that China wanted Tibet for strategic military reasons, so it could be closer to its' enemy, India. It also wanted Tibet for its rich minerals, including wood, gold, and uranium. And, we all know what uranium is used for: nuclear bombs and technology. Would you rather Tibetans make decisions about what to do with uranium, or do you trust China to look after this mineral?
Since China invaded Tibet, over 1.2 million Tibetans have been killed, an enormous number of animals, birds, and other wildlife have been destroyed, many lakes, rivers, and mountains have been severely damaged, numerous forests have been eliminated, and approximately 6000 monasteries have disappeared. There is no way to know how all this destruction will effect the Asian continent. But, we do know that the ecology of Tibet is strongly connected to the rest of Asia.
Thirty years ago, China divided Tibet's land and incorporated large parts of Tibet into neighboring Chinese provinces. China has even renamed the remaining area of Tibet with a Chinese name. China is trying to change our language, our speech patterns, our customs, our dress, our religious beliefs, and our political views.
Our land has been split up, renamed, taken away. We know, however, the landscape of Tibet and we know what the Tibetan people look like. The blood and spirit of the Tibetan people cannot be changed. Tibet is still Tibet. Tibet will always be Tibet. And, Tibet will never be part of China.
Facts and our actions speak louder than the propaganda that China wants us to believe. These lies will not break our spirit, or our deep motivation and commitment to regaining our country. There is no evidence supporting China's presence in Tibet. China is an international criminal and terrorist that must be treated as such.
Speaking of criminals, China wants us to think that the six year old Panchen Lama is a criminal. Why else would they be holding this young boy and family? Supposedly, China does not believe in religion, does not believe in the authority of His Holiness The Dalai Lama, does not believe Tibet exists, and does not believe in reincarnation. So, why are they holding this young farm boy child who has committed no crime? He is simply a Tibetan who happened to be born the Panchen Rinpoche. Just last week, China announced that it is conducting a search for the Panchen Lama and that it would not recognize the Dalai Lama's selection. Why is China doing this? China has absolutely no authority to choose the next Panchen Lama. Only The Dalai Lama can do this.
We demand that China release our Panchen Lama. He is Tibet's second most important leader. One of his main responsibilities is to find the next Dalai Lama. The Panchen Lama must be allowed to live and be educated at his own monastery in Tibet, Tashilhunpo. And, the Panchen Lama must be able to serve his people all around the world.
How can Harry Wu be convicted of spying and being a threat to China, and be sentenced to 15 years in prison, and then be released to the U.S.? Think about how little time it took to get Harry Wu's release; a so called terrorist. Obviously, aggressive political, economic, and social pressure works. We must learn from the Harry Wu situation. Please, speak loudly about the Panchen Lama and fight for his independence. Write Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the U.S. Government and demand that the Panchen Lama be released.
There are some other issues that I strongly encourage you to speak up about.
I want to comment on the recent visit of the President of China to the U.N. During his visit and talks with President Clinton, President Jiang Zemin stated that outsiders must stop interferring in China's internal affairs. He said, leave us alone. He also claimed that there are no human rights abuses in China. Finally, he restated China's claim to Taiwan. Each of these statements are bold face lies.
What do you think? We must demand that our government and the U.N. stop pampering China and begin honest and forceful negotiations to peacefully liberate Tibet, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the oppressed people of China. An independent Tibet must be a mandatory outcome of any negotiation. We will not accept any other outcome. The process of securing and protecting Tibet's independence can be negotiated, but independence for Tibet is non-negotiable.
While I am on the subject of independence, I want to clarify something. In the English language, independence, autonomy, and self-determination have similar meanings. However, when these terms and the concept of "Free Tibet" are used by some Tibetans, they are not talking about the correct definitions.
Automony and self-determination to these Tibetans and Tibet supporters means that Tibet can be a province of China. No Tibetan inside Tibet wants to be a citizen of China. They are only fighting for independence. We have no right to presume that we are wiser than the Tibetans in Tibet and know what is best for them and their country.
An independent Tibet can certainly accomodate China's security needs and interests. An independent Tibet could also be a "zone of peace." In fact, I am certain that if Tibetans totally controlled Tibet, it would be a peace zone. If China controlled Tibet, it would never be a "zone of peace."
Without independence, Tibet will die a slow death. Tibetans will have no home. So I hope that for the Tibetans in Tibet, you clearly understand that a Free Tibet is a Tibet that is free and independent of China. Nothing else. I stress this, because some people think, and this is a very serious mistake, that Tibetans can preserve their culture outside of Tibet by teaching Buddhist dharma to Westerners. I must tell you that while their are many goods points to teaching the dharma, it has nothing to do with preserving Tibetan culture; a culture cut off from its roots will ultimately dry up. Without a Tibetan nation there can be no Tibetan culture or Tibetan people.
It is very important that the position of your organization, "Students for a Free Tibet," allows no room for doubt. Please support independence. Make sure that when you think about "Students for a Free Tibet," you are clearly thinking "Students for an Independent Tibet."
We Tibetans will not go away. We will continue to fight until Tibet, is once again, independent. All of China's torture and oppression can never change that Tibet belongs to the Tibetans and not the Chinese people. Ultimately, our non-violent philosophy and activities will prevail and eliminate the current dark forces in Tibet. There is no way to stop the powerful radiance of light. Light penetrates everything, eventually. The infinite light of compassion and justice will set Tibet free. Guns cannot destroy us.
I call on each of you to continue your battle with these dark forces. Non-violent action and thought is the only method to quiet such destruction and to liberate Tibet and protect the Western World from the potential of also being controlled by China. Wake up. China is already controlling your buying habits. If we are not careful, China will also control how we all live. China is already here in our stores. Don't let her control everything else. What is currently happening in Tibet, Burma, China, and about to happen in Hong Kong is just a glimpse if what could take place in the Western World. Therefore, one simple action you can take is to stop supporting China's economy. I urge each of you to pay attention to the small actions that can be taken every day to fight for Tibet's independence. For instance, stop buying and selling Chinese products. Stop doing business with China. Destroy all of the Chinese products you own. This may be difficult because China puts labels on products to deceive you. Watch out. Pr
oducts made in Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea, and Thailand, for example, may really be made in China. Investigate this before buying anything from Asia. Educate sales people and business owners about why you will not buy something made in China.
I am not suggesting that we stop trying to establish closer relationships with the Chinese people, particularly those that support democracy and independence for Tibet. We must help these people. What I am saying is that we immediately stop contributing to building China's economy, military, and corrupt political system. As I stated earlier, your money and my money is being used by China for very immoral and life threatening activities. Each of us must take full responsibility for this reality.
What else can you do? Inform local government, business, community, and religious leaders, educators, and your friends and classmates about China's policies, strategies, and plan for the future. Organize lectures, media presentations, and discussion groups. When possible, do your class projects on the Tibet situation and on the China situation. Develop promotional materials to educate the public about the atrocities occurring in Tibet and China, and the emerging potential disaster that could happen in the rest of the world if China is not stopped. Compile data on Tibet and the activities of China. Sponsor Tibetans both abroad and in the USA. Travel to India, Nepal, and Tibet and learn more about the issues and the Tibetan culture by living with the Tibetans.
And finally, I want to personally request your assistance with a very important project. This coming March 10th, a group of Tibetans and Tibet supporters will undertake a "March for Tibet's Independence," from the United Nations in New York City to the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. This walk will take approximately 40 days. I really need your help with this walk. Since we will be walking on the East coast, we want to stop at universities, give presentations, and meet people. We need housing, food, and all types of other support. In fact, I would welcome having the "Students for a Free Tibet" organization as a co-sponsor of this activity. I would also be honored to have you join me on this walk for a day, week, or the entire journey. I must warn you, however, that in the past, it has been difficult for people to keep up with the slow pace of such an old Tibetan.
Whatever you do to get involved in the fight for Tibet's independence or the fight to protect the world from China, make certain that you very carefully consider your motivation, purpose, values, and strategies. Think very carefully before you do anything. While large numbers of people can make a change, a small group of people can have a great impact, if their motivation and actions are correct.
Again, I want to deeply thank the organizers of this Conference for inviting me. This Conference has greatly inspired me. Thanks Oberlin College and thanks to all of you for coming. I also want to deeply thank Adam Yauch, Erin Potts, John Hocevar, and Heidi Melz for having the wisdom and dedication to help with the creation of "Students for a Free Tibet." Such an organization is long overdo and essential to help free Tibet. Words cannot fully express my gratitude for your efforts and your willingness to fight for Tibet's independence. Can Erin, John, and Heidi please come up here.
I hope this old dog has not scared you or frightened you away. Now is a highly critical time for Tibet and its' people, and the people of the world. If we do not take strong action very soon, Tibet will no longer belong to the Tibetans and the Tibetan culture will disappear from this planet. We can either fight China now with non-violent forces, or we can wait and see how our government fights China with military weapons.
Please, all of you join me in some chants that are often recited at demonstrations for Tibet's independence.
Thank you again. So, what do you think?